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借名扬名。日本丰田汽车公司刚开始生产汽车时,采用了“借名”之术。丰田生产的汽车引进美国先进设备和工艺,大量装配美国制造的“福特”、“通用”两大名牌引擎,连车架也用福特的,借用名牌产品之誉提高了丰田身价。后来,丰田公司实行差别化战略,依据市场需求变化制造了省油、安全、快速的小型号汽车,打入美国市场后名声随之大振。借钱生财。美国可口可乐公司在戈苏塔担 Get famous by name. Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan used the technique of “borrowing the name” when it first started producing cars. The Toyota-produced automobile introduces advanced equipment and technology from the United States, assembles a large number of American-made “Ford” and “universal” brand-name engines, and even uses the Ford frame as its frame. The reputation of using brand-name products has increased the value of Toyota. Later, Toyota implemented a differentiated strategy to create a fuel-efficient, safe, and fast small-size car based on changes in market demand, and became famous after entering the US market. Borrow money to make money. American Coca-Cola Company in Gosutat
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二○○二年八月十日刚刚读完高尔基的﹃童年﹄我心中的眼泪像那大海中的水滴一样滴落在我 August 10, 2002 Just finished Gorky's childhood ﹄ tears in my heart like dr
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我国城市区域噪声标准中明确规定,居民住宅区的噪声,白天不能超过55分贝,夜间应低于45分贝。若超过这个标准,便会对人体产生危害。 China's urban noise standard clearly
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