An Analysis of Differences Between Chinese and American Primary——Education from a Cultural Perspecti

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sleon001
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China,an oriental country with a long history and profound cultural deposits,is dominated by Confucian culture while America is only a few hundreds years old characterized by multiculture.This paper analyzes the differences between Chinese and American primary education in educational philosophy,teaching methods and educational aims from a cultural perspective such as cultural background,value orientations and thinking patterns.Through the comparison,the paper is to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the two education systems and what can be improved,which may provide some reference for the educational development. China, an oriental country with a long history and profound cultural deposits, is dominated by Confucian culture while America is only a few hundreds years old by multiculture. This paper analyzes the differences between Chinese and American primary education in educational philosophy, teaching methods and educational aims from a cultural perspective such as cultural background, value orientations and thinking patterns.Through the comparison, the paper is to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the two education systems and what can be improved, which may provide some reference for the educational development.
义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)列出共9条基本事实,其中把“两条直线被一组平行线所截,所得的对应线段成比例”作为基本事实.教材编写时不需要去证明,在证明其他命题时可以直接作为结论使用.笔者认为课标中“基本事实”规定不宜过多,本条“基本事实”也可以通过演绎推理的方法加以证明.  1 教材的处理方法  选择作业本上不相邻的三条平行线,任意画两条直线m、n与它们相交.如果m、n这两条直线平行(如图1
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