An approach to estimating sediment transport capacity of overland flow

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haofei88
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Estimating sediment transport capacity of overland flow is essential to the development of physically based soil erosion models.Correlation analysis indicates that stream power is a dominant factor for sediment transport in overland flows and a new sediment transport capacity equation is proposed based on dimensional analysis.The coefficients of the new equation are calibrated using the published laboratory data,and rainfall impact is taken into consideration by adding an empirical factor on the dimensionless critical stream power.The new sediment transport capacity equation is a function of stream power,rainfall impacted critical stream power and slope.The new equation is applied in a one-dimensional soil erosion model to simulate field data of a runoff plot and the simulation results are reliable. Estimating sediment transport capacity of overland flow is essential to the development of physically based soil erosion models. Correlation analysis indicates that stream power is a dominant factor for sediment transport in overland flows and a new sediment transport capacity equation is proposed based on dimensional analysis. coefficients of the new equation are calibrated using the published laboratory data, and rainfall impact is taken into consideration by adding an empirical factor on the dimensionless critical stream power. the new sediment transport capacity equation is a function of stream power, rainfall impacted critical stream power and slope. The new equation is applied in a one-dimensional soil erosion model to simulate field data of a runoff plot and the simulation results are reliable.
第五节径向柱塞油泵、径向柱塞油马达 一、特点径向柱塞油泵——油马达的结构特点是柱塞(或活塞、下同)运动方向与动力轴的轴线互相垂直,即柱塞沿径向呈幅射状排列。 Section V