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目的:报道一种阳春砂仁的新害虫及其分布、发生与为害情况,为该虫防治技术提供参考。方法:人工饲养幼虫,观察形态鉴别特征,并对其分布、发生和为害情况进行了初步调查。结果:经鉴定,该虫为皱腹潜甲Anisodera rugulosa Chen et Yu,分布在西双版纳阳春砂仁各主产区,幼虫蛀食果实内部,使果实形成孔洞,严重者可令整个果实腐烂变黑。结论:该害虫严重影响了阳春砂仁的产量,需尽快开展防治工作。 OBJECTIVE: To report a new pest of Amomum villosum and its distribution, occurrence and damage, and provide a reference for the pest control technology. Methods: The larvae were fed by hand, the morphological characteristics were observed, and the distribution, occurrence and damage were investigated. Results: It was identified that Anisodera rugulosa Chen et Yu was distributed in the main producing areas of Amomum villosum in Xishuangbanna. The larvae eaten inside the fruit and formed holes in the fruit. In severe cases, the whole fruit rotted black. Conclusion: The pest has seriously affected the yield of Amomum villosum, so it is necessary to carry out prevention and control work as soon as possible.
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Production Sales Type Aug. Accumulated Change,% Aug. Accumulated Change,% Total 441,638 3,700,160 8.23 418,722 3,640,131 10.61 In which: Domestic made 404,263 3