来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:handsomels
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A MIDAS-400 customized data acquisi- tion system has been used for the high-resolution sediment dynamic measurements over the Dafeng intertidal flats of northern Jiangsu during 6 tidal cy- cles from July 3 to July 10, 2003. The bed shear stress and bedload transport rates, in response to wave-current interactions, are calculated, which in- dicate that wind waves enhance the bottom shear stress and bedload transport rates. At the station for measurements, bedload transport was directed to seaward, with a sediment discharge of 30—150 kg·m?1 per tidal cycle. The surficial sediment samples were collected from a grid with 10 m spatial intervals over a rectangle 2×104 m2 experimental area, near the MIDAS-400 during the spring tide of July 4, 2003, and the neap tide of July 9, 2003. In addition, leveling survey was undertaken to obtain the detailed topog- raphy of the sampling area. Grain-size trend analysis of the sediment samples shows that the bedload transport patterns are complex, mainly controlled by the hydrodynamics and local geomorphology (e.g. tidal creeks) over the intertidal flats. Furthermore, the grain-size trends pattern during the neap tide rather than during the spring tide is consistent with the cal- culated bedload transport, and the grain-size trend vectors for the spring tide are larger than those forthe neap tide, indicating that the sampling thickness of surficial sediment during the neap tide may contain the information on the geomorphological evolution (or sediment deposition/erosion) from the spring to the neap tide. A MIDAS-400 customized data acquisi- tion system has been used for the high-resolution sediment dynamic measurements over the Dafeng intertidal flats of northern Jiangsu during 6 tidal cy- cles from July 3 to July 10, 2003. The bed shear stress and bedload transport rates, in response to wave-current interactions, are-dicate that wind waves enhance the bottom shear stress and bedload transport rates. -150 kg · m -1 per tidal cycle. The surficial sediment samples were collected from a grid with 10 m spatial intervals over a rectangle 2 × 104 m2 experimental area, near the MIDAS-400 during the spring tide of July 4, 2003, and the neap tide of July 9, 2003. In addition, leveling survey was undertaken to obtain the detailed topog-raphy of the sampling area. grain-size trend analysis of the sediment samples shows that the bedload transport patterns are complex, ma inly controlled by the hydrodynamics and local geomorphology (eg tidal creeks) over the intertidal flats. Furthermore, the grain-size trends pattern during the neap tide rather than during spring tide is consistent with the cal- culated bedload transport, and the grain- size trend vectors for the spring tide are larger than those forthe neap tide, indicating that the sampling thickness of surficial sediment during the neap tide may contain the information on the geomorphological evolution (or sediment deposition / erosion) from the spring to the neap tide.
Sichuan Basin, a large and old oil-bearing superimposed basin in western China, has an acreage of 190 thousand square kilometers. Its superimposed strata are co
内容摘要:方言穿插于影视作品中,生动地传达出各方水土和各色人等的性格、习俗、生态和底蕴。所以说,影视作品中的方言应用,可以折射出丰富的文化内涵。  关键词:影视 方言 文化内涵  影视作品中方言的使用非常普遍。追溯历史,我国较早的方言电影应该是50年代揭露讽刺国民党基层政权鱼肉乡民、互相倾轧的四川方言电影《抓壮丁》。电视普及后,先是四川方言剧兴起,其后是东北小品火爆,最早亮相的是小品《超生游击队》