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张仲景(公元150年~219年),名机,南郡涅阳(今河南南阳)人。从小笃实好学,精通博书,并嗜好医学。年轻时从师于同郡张伯祖学医,经过多年的刻苦钻研,勤求古训,博采众长,撰有《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》等中医学著作。他创造性地将理、法、方、药有机地结合起来,奠定了中医学辩证施治的理论基础,在中医发展史上具有划时代的意义和承先启后的作用,对祖国医学的发展作出了重要贡献,成为中国医学史上一位杰出的临证医学家,被后人尊称为“医宗之圣”。 Zhang Zhongjing (AD 150 ~ 219), the famous machine, Nien County Nyang (now Nanyang, Henan) people. Begotten studious childhood, proficient in the book, and hobbies medicine. When he was a young man, he studied medicine with Zhang Beizu in the same county. After years of painstaking research, he diligently sought out ancient writings and learned from others. He wrote such traditional Chinese medical works as Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. He organically combined reason, law, prescription and medicine and laid the theoretical foundation for the dialectical administration of traditional Chinese medicine. He has an epoch-making significance and a pioneering role in the history of the development of Chinese medicine and made an important contribution to the development of the motherland’s medicine. Become an outstanding clinical medical doctor in China, was later known as the “sanctity of the Medical.”
Objective:To investigate the role of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADPH)oxidasedependent formation of reactive oxygen species(ROS)in the transfor
本文研究急性运动后糖皮质激素(GC)分泌增多对大鼠心、肾细胞糖皮质激素受体(GR)及Na~+-K~+-ATP 酶的影响,结果表明,无负荷游泳后造成 GR 的适度减少,伴有对 Na~+-K~+-ATP 酶
利用双6-氧-间-羧基苯磺酰基β-CD·Fe3+配合物,模拟氧化酶,将甲苯氧化成苯甲醛和甲酸,以及将对-苯二酚氧化成苯醌. The oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde and formic acid and the oxi
由华东师范大学历史系主办、日本河合文化教育研究所暨内藤湖南研究会、上海古籍出版社、中国魏晋南北朝史学会协办的 “社会与国家关系视野下的汉唐历史变迁国际学术研讨会
美国家庭用品公司(AHP)的药物部门 Wyeth-Ayerst实验室近日报道显示:其移植免疫抑制剂Rapamune(西罗莫司,sirolimus)的第一种固体制 Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, the drug d