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随着教育改革的深化,传统教育理念已经不能满足人才培养模式的需要。因此,在小学数学教学活动中,教师就应转变传统教学观念,采用新的教学模式。一、转变传统的教学理念首先,要树立探究式的教学理念,让学生主动参与、发现和探究知识。要让学生从被动接受知识的“容器”转变为知识的主动探索者,努力突出学生的主体地位,一切以学生的发展为根本,努力培养和提高学生创新能力和实践能力。其次,要树立 With the deepening of education reform, the traditional concept of education can no longer meet the needs of personnel training mode. Therefore, in elementary mathematics teaching activities, teachers should change their traditional teaching concepts and adopt new teaching modes. First, to change the traditional teaching philosophy First of all, we should establish an inquiry-based teaching philosophy, so that students take the initiative to participate in the discovery and exploration of knowledge. The students should be changed from the “container” of passive acceptance of knowledge to the active explorer of knowledge to make every effort to highlight the dominant position of students. All these should be based on the development of students, and strive to cultivate and improve students’ innovative ability and practical ability. Second, to establish
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广东佛陶集团陶瓷机械厂研制成功国家建材局下达的重点消化吸收项目—YP600型液压自动压砖机.该产品的研制成功,填补了国内空白,是目前国内唯一能够大量生产供应 Guangdong
本文通过对六个课堂教学实例的描述与对比分析,提出教师在教学中应关注细节,以提高课堂教学的实效性。 Through the description and comparative analysis of six classroo
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摘要:高中历史课堂教学受传统教育影响,忽视学生个性的发展,缺少个性化教育。因此,在历史教学过程中,教师要注重培养和提高学生的个性化阅读能力,充分利用网络教学的优势,对学生实施个性化教学,以达到因材施教,培养创新人才的教育目标。  关键词:高中历史教学个性化教学  中图分类号:G633.51文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2007)05-105-01    长期以来,由于受传统教育的束缚