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近年来,针对直接侵犯公民人身权利犯罪的打击工作已经初显成效。然而在新形势下,以扒窃和入户盗窃为主要形式的盗窃犯罪已经成为一线城市区级检察院侦办案件的主要组成部分。其特点是一方面犯案率日趋上升,甚至有愈演愈烈之势,另一方面破案率却相对较低,公安机关往往难以追回被害人被盗的财物,被害人的经济损失也就无法挽回,长此以往就产生了社会负面效应,影响了社会的安定和谐。本文从综合治理的角度,就防盗技术、执法、司法、刑事科学和社会保障等方面提出多项实践性建议,以期为实务部门的工作做一定的铺垫。 In recent years, the crackdown on crimes that directly infringe on citizens’ personal rights has taken initial effect. However, under the new situation, theft crime, which is dominated by pickpocketing and home-based theft, has become a major component of the investigation and prosecution of district-level procuratorates in first-tier cities. Its characteristics are on the one hand crime rates are on the rise, and even worse, on the other hand, the detection rate is relatively low, the public security organs often find it difficult to recover stolen property victims, the victims of the economic losses can not be recovered from the long run The negative effects of society have affected the stability and harmony of the society. This article from the perspective of comprehensive management, put forward a number of practical suggestions on the anti-theft technology, law enforcement, justice, criminal science and social security, with a view to pave the way for the work of the substantive departments.
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