Acupuncture Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

来源 :中医杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxubo
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CASE HISTORY rnA female patient, 49 years old, a Hong Kong resident,paid her first visit on September 10, 2007.She complained of general lassitude, shortness of breath,heaviness in the head, distending pain in the vertex,and heaviness in both the lower limbs for a period of 6 years.She could not have long-distance walks, and felt short breath, fatigue and severe heaviness in both the lower limbs if walking for over 15 minutes.And if standing for over 10 minutes, she would have lumbago and aching pain in both knee joints.
Prof.CAI Gan (蔡淦) is an academic leader in TCM treatment of the spleen and stomach disease.He insisted that liver depression, spleen deficiency and poor nour
目的 分析评价青山区结核病防治规划(2001~2010年)实施效果,为下一步制定结核病防治工作的可持续发展策略提供科学依据,方法根据终期评估资料,对2001年1月-2009年12月期间实施
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