
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muspace
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唐代是我国封建王朝最为繁盛和开放的朝代,稳定的政治局面、繁荣的经济和自由多元的艺术文化氛围为服装的变化和发展奠定了良好的基础。这个时期的女装通过大胆创意的款式、女着男装现象和高超的丝绸织造技术,向世界宣告了唐代女装的大胆、开放和华贵。 The Tang Dynasty was the most prosperous and open dynasty in China’s feudal dynasty. A stable political situation, a prosperous economy and a free and diversified artistic and cultural atmosphere laid a good foundation for the changes and development of garments. Women of this period through the bold and creative style, the phenomenon of women with men and superb silk weaving technology, announced to the world of women’s daring of the Tang Dynasty, open and luxurious.
The phenomenon of tree waves(hedges and ribbons) formation within the alpine ecotone in Altai Mountains and its response to observed air temperature increase wa
在试验研究的基础上 ,论述了有涡管流的产生条件及速度场和涡量场特性 ,给出了典型的流速分布并绘制了涡线 Based on the experimental study, the conditions of vortex tu
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本文主要介绍土工充泥管袋技术的应用领域 ,并从经济、速度等方面叙述了其优点。 This article mainly introduces the application field of geotechnical filling tube ba
High conservation value forest(HCVF) theory has aroused wide concerns among related forestry sectors in China,but the zoning and identification of HCVF only hav