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在防治稻飞虱的过程中应着重注意如下几点: 1.确定防治丘块 稻飞虱喜欢在温度适宜而湿度较高的禾苗基部取食,往往形成禾苗下部多,上部少、田中多,田边少等现象,而且分布不均匀,易给人以假象,不易掌握田间真实情况。因此,在进行药剂防治前应全面普查、逐丘鉴定,根据防冶标准确定药剂防治丘块。 2.选好对口农药 目前,防治稻飞虱的农药品种较多,扑虱灵是一种抑制昆虫生长发育的新型选择性杀虫剂,具有效果好、毒性低、药效长、成本低等优点。据试验,每667平方米用25%的扑虱灵可湿性粉剂25克对水75公斤进行粗水喷雾防治,5天后相对防效73.93%,15天后为80.47%,20天后达84.70%。在稻飞虱虫口密度大,虫龄较高的情况下,以使用25%仲丁威乳油为好。该药具有强烈触杀作用,一定的胃毒、熏蒸作用,杀卵作用和击倒力快等特点。 In the process of prevention and treatment of planthoppers should pay attention to the following points: 1. To determine the prevention of planthoppers Planthoppers like to eat at the base of the temperature and humidity of the higher grass seedlings tend to form the lower part of the seedlings more, less upper, Tanabe and other phenomena less, but unevenly distributed, easy to give people the illusion, not easy to grasp the real situation in the field. Therefore, prior to the prevention and treatment of pesticides should be fully census, mulberry identification, according to the prevention and treatment of elixir of chemical control to determine the block. 2. Select the right pesticide At present, the prevention and control of planthoppers more pesticide varieties, buprofam is a new insecticide that inhibits the growth and development of insects, with good effect, low toxicity, long drug efficacy, low cost advantage. According to the test, 75 kg of water was sprayed with 25 kg of propafen WP 25 kg per 667 m2 for rough water spray control. The relative control efficiency was 73.93% after 5 days, 80.47% after 15 days and 84.70% after 20 days. Rice planthopper density in the mouth, insect age is higher, the use of 25% sec-butyl Wei EC as well. The drug has a strong contact action, a certain stomach poisoning, fumigation, ovulation and knockout fast features.
西班牙,一个浪漫而优雅的迷人国度。它独特的音乐风情吸引了不知多少艺术家来到这里采风,汲取营养,启发灵感,以此而创作出的弥漫着 Spain, a romantic and elegant charmin
一、区域经济发展与税收优惠政策的相关性   区域税收优惠大致分为两类:一类是根据国家的经济发展战略对某些具有发展国际经济优势的特定地区,如沿海地区或沿边地区,作为避税
休克的过程是许多细胞因子参与肌体多种生理和病理活动的调节过程。肾上腺髓质素 (AM)是一种强效舒血管活性多肽 ,是血管内皮源的舒血管因子 ,具有较强的扩血管、降压、排钠
本文着重分析了全球化进程中的国家财政税收政策及政府公共开支行为 ,并对有关学术界观点做了综述和分析。文章认为 :全球化具有效率和再分配效应以及由此引致的政府开支行为