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代理是时下的一个热门话题,许多想发财的人都扑着代理而去,许多生产厂家也确有这方面的需求。从我们随手翻开的一份六月份在北京出版的报纸看,上面就有“诚征”代理的广告27条,“诚征”经销商广告12条,还有两条来自国外“诚征”产品代理的广告。这还只是一个粗略的统计,可以想见产品代理这个市场有多么广袤。相映成趣的是,前不久某晚报发表消息说,目前我国有5000万人在从事着商品营销工作,也就是说,在我们每20个人中,就潜藏着一个“营销分子”。代理是营销中很重要的一个部分,也是很重要的一种营销手段。有些产品代理对资金、场地、营销渠道等有诸多的要求,有些却什么要求也没有,只要你有热情就够。代理是这么诱人的一个行当,里面金光闪烁,机会多多,就像海妖的歌声,禁不住地让人着迷,让人投入,许多人都在幻想着从代理中分一杯羹。但是,代理的活儿真是那么好干的吗?代理的钱真是那么好赚的吗?怎么样才能做一个好代理?怎么样才能做一个赚钱的代理?我们不妨来听听下面这些过来人的故事,或许他们的故事,会对你不无裨益。 Acting is a hot topic nowadays, many people who want to get rich are rushed away agents, many manufacturers do have this demand. From our readily available newspaper published in Beijing in June, there are 27 advertisements for “soliciting” agents, 12 advertisements for “Wanted” dealers, and two advertisements from overseas “Wanted” Product Agency Advertising. This is just a rough statistics, you can imagine how vast the product agency market. Side by side, a late evening news release said that at present there are 50 million people in our country are engaged in the marketing of goods, that is to say, in each of our 20, there is a hidden “marketing”. Acting is a very important part of marketing, but also a very important marketing tool. Some product agents on the funds, venues, marketing channels, there are many requirements, some what is not required, as long as you have enough enthusiasm. Agent is such a fascinating business, which glittering gold, a lot of opportunities, like the singing of the Siren, could not help but fascinated, people invest, many people are fantasy of a share from the agency. However, the agent's job is so good? Proxy money really so good? How to be a good agent? How to be a profitable agent? We might as well listen to the following these comers story Perhaps their story will not help you.
No other sporting event captures the world’s imagination like the FIFA World Cup. Ever since the first tentative(尝试的) competition in Uruguay(乌拉圭) in 1930, FIFA’s flagship has constantly grown in popul
追求高薪的第一步是要忘记自己要追求高薪,而尽全力创造价值及表现价值。 The first step in pursuing a good salary is to forget that you have to pursue high salaries
对炼铁高炉烟尘(或瓦斯泥)中的有价元素进行了分析。提出了用硫酸分别浸出锌和铋的工艺方法,使高炉烟尘中的锌、铋、铁、碳等得到充分回收利用。 Valuable elements in blast f
书写同分异构体,是历届高考试题中的热点,但由于一些考生对书写规律把握不得体,所以总是得不到满分。因此,书写同分异构体时一定要注意以下四不:     “注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”。
我和明明在各自的庭院里分别栽上了一株壮实的木瓜苗,那是在一个风和日丽的季节里。  培土,浇灌,观察,不停地忙碌,只盼着树苗能早日绽发新芽长出新枝。发现庭院里栽了一株木瓜树的奶奶劝我说:“白白,庭院里栽树不好,种葡萄吧。”“谁说不好?人家明明不也栽在庭院里?我才不稀罕葡萄哩!”我的回话让奶奶欲言又止,怔怔的脸上满是惆怅。  其实,我急切的心情并不能催活树苗。一连数日看到的是树苗饿了似的愣在那儿一动不
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