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1992年世界经济发展继续缓慢,年平均增长率仅为1.1%左右。西方经济自1990年进入衰退后至今仍回升乏力,独联体与东欧经济仍然徘徊在危机的谷底,发展中国家经济虽有起色但发展不平衡,面临的挑战依然严峻。值得注意的是亚洲经济保持了高速增长,继续成为世界经济的亮点。展望1993年,制约世界经济发展的因素依然存在,虽然增长速度将有所增加,但仍将维持低速增长的局面。国际竞争的重点正在日益转向经济科技领域,主要国家的政策也在内向化,把发展经济提高国际竞争力放在更重要的地位。在西方国家之间,围绕着谋取自身更大利益而产生的矛盾和摩擦不断升温,但出于共同的经济利益,西方国家的妥协和合作还会继续下去。世界经济集团化趋势迅速发展,地区性经济合作与竞争将在更高的层次上展开。中国在国际形势剧变中始终保持着稳定,在世界经济不甚景气的环境中始终保持高速的经济增长率。中国面临的国际环境将进一步改善,发展经济、改革开放的有利因素继续增加。 The world economy continued to slow in 1992, with an average annual growth rate of only about 1.1%. The economy of the West still lags behind since it entered recession in 1990. The economies of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe are still hovering at the bottom of the crisis. The challenges faced by developing countries are still grim despite their economic development but imbalance. It is worth noting that the economy of Asia has maintained its rapid growth and continues to be a bright spot in the world economy. Looking forward to 1993, the factors that restrict the development of the world economy still exist. Although the growth rate will increase, the situation of slow growth will still be maintained. The focus of international competition is increasingly turning to economic and technological fields. The policies of major countries are also being inward-oriented, placing economic development in an increasingly important position to increase international competitiveness. The contradictions and frictions surrounding Western countries that seek their own greater interests are on the rise. However, due to their common economic interests, the compromises and cooperation of the Western countries will continue. The tendency of the world economic grouping is developing rapidly. Regional economic cooperation and competition will be carried out at a higher level. China has always maintained its stability in the drastic changes in the international situation and has maintained a high rate of economic growth in an environment of the world economy. The international environment China faces will be further improved. The favorable factors for economic development and reform and opening up continue to increase.
1993年10月31日是著名物理学家、中国科学院学部委员李林先生七十华诞.我们谨向她致以衷心的祝贺和崇高的敬意. 李林1923年10月31日生于北京,原籍湖北省黄岗县,蒙族.她 1944
11月11日和1月1日,人们戏谑地称之为“大光棍节”和“小光棍节”。为什么把这两天称为“光棍节”呢?因为这两天的数字全由“1”组成,“1”看起来像一 November 11 and Janua
<正> 古比雪夫工业大学研制成一种新型珩磨头(发明证书号1425060),能够提高盲孔的加工精度。在壳体1中央孔内装有圆柱形弹性胀杆2,杆2下部带有锥形的纵向花键槽,在壳体外表面
基于目前的成就,日本可能会发展成为国际文化的先导,信息时代的超级大国。本文讨论的是日本在下个世纪可能扮演的三种角色。 1 信息时代的超级大国 日本已放弃了军事上称霸