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在通过1986联合国发展权宣言后近30年,不同政治集团对发展权的理解仍然各不相同。发展中国家强调诸如国际金融制度不平等,发展中国家在经济政策的全球决策方面更多的参与,及促进更公平的贸易体制等。发达国家坚持发展中国家的适当国内条件,例如法治、善治、民主与负责的经济管理等。而不结盟运动呼吁具有约束性的国际法律标准,欧盟则反对提高此宣言的地位。实际上,制定发展权框架公约似乎是调节不同政治集团关心问题的最好选择,因为它允许采用逐步进行的方式。发展权框架公约的潜在的增值是,利用超越单个国家责任、并从国际发展工作衍生出的原则中获取灵感的条约来平衡当前的人权体制,包括相互问责、伙伴国家之间政策调整,及包容性伙伴关系等。 Nearly 30 years after the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development in 1986, different political groups still have different understanding of the right to development. Developing countries emphasized such issues as the inequity in the international financial system, the increased participation of developing countries in global decision-making on economic policies and the promotion of a more fair trading system. The developed countries uphold the appropriate domestic conditions for developing countries, such as the rule of law, good governance, democratic and responsible economic management. The Non-Aligned Movement calls for binding international legal standards, while the EU opposes raising the status of this declaration. In fact, the development of a framework convention on the right to development seems to be the best way to regulate the concerns of different political groups, as it allows a gradual approach. The potential added value of the framework convention on the right to development is the balancing of the current human rights regime with treaties that go beyond the responsibility of individual States and are inspired by the principles deriving from international development efforts, including mutual accountability, policy adjustments among partner countries and Inclusive partnerships.
1 热带林的现状 热带林是可再生的自然资源,但其急剧地减少和退化,将会给地球环境造成重大影响。地球上现存的森林面积大约45亿公顷,其中43%分布在最冷月18℃以上的热带地区
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