
来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:accbacc
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为了充分调动我国几百万财会人员的积极性,希望能解决财会人员的“三难”。一、“入党难”。知识分子入党难,财会人员入党更难。由于财会工作长期不受重视,财会人员不能与技术人员相提并论。会计人员在工作中认真履行职责,坚持财务制度,抵制不正之风,往往得不到谅解,特别是个别领导人常常“以权代法”,怕财会人员入了党会更不听他的话。对一些老财全人员的家庭出身,社会关系,历史问题,不是以历史唯物主义态度来对待。这些老财会人员在党的培养教育下,主管财会工作几十年,一贯兢兢业业,廉洁奉公,他们迫切要求入党,难道就不能象对待其他知识分子一样来解决他们的入党问题吗? 二、“晋升难”。自1981年《会计干部技术职称暂行规定》颁布以来,对一部分会计干部评定了 In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of millions of financial and accounting personnel in our country, we hope we can solve the “three difficulties” of the accountants. First, “difficult to join the party.” It is hard for intellectuals to join the party and even more difficult for financial and accounting personnel to join the party. As the accounting work long-term neglect, accounting personnel can not be compared with the technical staff. Accountants earnestly perform their duties during their work, adhere to the financial system, and resist unhealthy tendencies. They often can not get understanding. In particular, individual leaders often “use the power to represent the law” and fear that financial accountants will not listen to him when they join the party. The family background, social relations and historical issues of some Lao Cai members are not treated with the attitude of historical materialism. Under the education and training of the party, these old financial accountants, who have been in charge of the accounting work for several decades, always conscientiously and honestly serve the public and are desperate to join the party, can they not solve their problem of joining the party just like other intellectuals? difficult“. Since the promulgation of the ”Provisional Regulations on Accounting Cadre Technical Title" in 1981, some accounting officers have been assessed
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