Clinical implications and treatment of dengue

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bihaidanxin
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Dengue is a common pathogenic disease often proving fatal,more commonly affecting the tropics.Aedes mosquito is the vector for this disease,and outbreaks of dengue often cause mass damage to life.The current review is an effort to present an insight into the causes,etiology,symptoms,transmission,diagnosis,major organs affected,mitigation and line of treatment of this disease with special emphasis on dings of natural origin.The disease has a potential to spread as an endemic,often claiming several lives and thus requires concerted efforts to work out better treatment options.Traditional medicine offers an alternative solution and could be explored as a safer treatment option.Development of a successful vaccine and immunization technique largely remains a challenge and a better antiviral approach needs to be worked out to complement the supportive therapy.No single synthetic molecule has found to be wholly effective enough to offer curative control and the line of treatment mostly utilizes a combination of fluid replacement and antipyretics-analgesics like molecules to provide symptomatic relief. Dengue is a common pathogenic disease often proving fatal, more generally affecting the tropics. Ades mosquito is the vector for this disease, and outbreaks of dengue often cause mass damage to life. Current review is an effort to present an insight into the causes, etiology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, major organs affected, mitigation and line of treatment of this disease with special emphasis on dings of natural origin. disease with a potential to spread as an endemic, often claiming several lives and thus requires concerted efforts to work out better treatment options. Traditional medicine offers an alternative solution and could be explored as a safer treatment option. Development of a successful vaccine and immunization technique substantially remains a challenge and a better antiviral approach needs to be worked out to complement the supportive therapy. No single synthetic molecule has found to be particularly effective enough to offer curative control and the line of treatment mostly utiliz es a combination of fluid replacement and antipyretics-analgesics like molecules to provide symptomatic relief.
Objective: To investigate the true incidence of Bacillus cereus(B. cereus) in food and children diarrhea cases. Methods: A total of 110 samples of various dairy
The clinical data of18 patients withPB fromApril1989 toApril2013 was analyzed retrospectively, including11 men and7 women, aged45 and76 years old(mean53 years).
糖尿病增加子宫内膜癌( EC )风险,并影响其预后。近年来发现,二甲双胍在治疗2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者时其罹患EC风险相应降低,大量实验还证明其具有抗癌及协同抗癌作用。现探讨二甲双胍
流传度:70000000+  很多戴近视眼镜的人到了45岁左右的年纪,有时候会发现自己看手机短信戴近视眼镜很累,不戴眼镜反而看得更清楚,这说明近视眼老了不会老花,近视、老花会相互抵消,视力就会恢复。这是真的吗?大咖来辟谣  主持/张 红  主任医师 硕导  山西省眼科医院  中华医学会第十一届科学普及专委会 常务委员  山西省医学会第十二届理事会 常务理事  山西省医学会第三届科学普及专委会 主任