INTO THE NEXT CENTURY An interview with renowned environmental advocate Ma Jun

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Ma Jun could hardly find time to sit for an interview,but seldom passed on a chance to spread the word on environmental protection.As a prominent environmental advocate and founder of the non-profit environmental organization the Institute of Public and E
[摘要] 孙中山首先提出“振兴中华”的口号,自始至终谋求国家统一,以世界眼光强调必须联合世界上以平等待我之民族共同奋斗。对孙中山最好的纪念,就是学习和继承他的优秀品质和奋斗精神,团结一切可以团结的力量,调动一切可以调动的因素,为他梦寐以求的振興中华而继续奋斗。  [关键词] 孙中山; 辛亥革命; 振兴中华; 统一; 和平  [中图分类号] K827 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 0
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