
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Melaniemei
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松溪河小流域位于巴中市巴州区东南部,属长江上游嘉陵江中下游渠江水系巴河二级支流,涉及曾口镇12个行政村,流域土地总面积37.76 km~2,其中水土流失面积15.53 km~2。2013年,在松溪河小流域实施农发水保项目以来,以“治理水土流失、建设生态家园”为总方略,以“强基础、重民生、建梯田、稳粮油,调结构、促增收”为目标,将水土流失治理与新农村建设紧密结合,共治理水土流失面积8 km~2,整治塘堰2座,新建蓄水池15口、沉沙凼26个、引排沟渠3 km,完成30处庭院改造。通过农发项目的实施,使松溪河小流域走出了一条生态环境良好、绿色产业持续发展、群众收入稳步提高的良性发展之路。 The Songxihe Small Watershed is located in the southeastern Bazhou district of Bazhong and belongs to the second tributary of the Bahe River drainage canal in the middle and lower reaches of the Jialing River in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, involving 12 administrative villages in Zengkou Town. The total land area of ​​the watershed is 37.76 km ~ 2, Drainage area of ​​15.53 km ~ 2. In 2013, since implementation of the project of agricultural development and water conservation in the small watershed of Songxi River, taking “harnessing soil and water loss and building eco-homeland” as the general plan and “strong foundation, livelihood and building terraces , Stabilizing grain oil, adjusting structure, promoting income increase ”as the goal, the soil and water loss management and new rural construction are closely integrated, a total of soil and water loss control 8 km ~ 2, remediation ponds 2, 15 new reservoirs, 26, drainage ditches 3 km, completed 30 courtyard renovation. Through the implementation of the agricultural development project, the small watershed of Songxi River has stepped out of a virtuous road of development with a good ecological environment, sustainable development of green industries and steady increase of people’s income.
Early December. 1993. 700 million yuanwere invested by the State Bureau ofStorage. the People’s Bank of China.the Industrial and Commercial Bankfor storing 35
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鸡被狐狸追,狐狸又被狗赶走,这是何等合情合理的事情。狗嘛,在人们心目中本就应该是见义勇为的。可漫画中的这只狗赶跑狐狸后却要向鸡收费250元,为什么呢?真的是狗贪心不足吗?也许狗有不得已而为之的苦衷。  生活中,常有这样的事情:有人突然遭遇险情,或路遇小偷,或不慎落水,你二话不说挺身相救,如果你没事儿还好,把人救出大家皆大欢喜,可如果你救人时遭点不测,被救者却不见了踪影,你找谁说理去?甚至你好心送一
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