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选用9个性状差异较大的早稻新品系,在稀播条件下,用逐步回归分析法对其株高、株穗数、一级枝梗数、穗实粒数、穗长及千粒重诸性状与单株产量的关系及黑龙港流域旱稻育种策略进行了初步研究。结果表明:在所有调查性状中,株穗数、穗实粒数及千粒重对单株产量影响显著。三者对产量的贡献为株穗数>穗实粒数>千粒重,其直接通径系数分别为0.50、0.38和0.12,达到显著及极显著水平。株高、株穗数、一级枝梗数、穗实粒数及穗长与千粒重呈负相关,其影响程度为穗长>一级枝梗数>株高>株穗数>穗实粒数;穗实粒数同株穗数也呈负相关。单株生产力大的品系是株穗数、穗实粒数及千粒重三者在较高水平上的协调与统一,育种实践上要兼而顾之。在本地区光温条件下,旱稻育种策略为,培育株高及抽穗期适中,提高单株成穗数及单穗实粒数,控制穗子长度,稳定千粒重。其具体指标为,抽穗期8月20~25日,株高100cm左右,穗实粒数不低于100粒,千粒重26g以上,每666.7m~2产量350~400kg。 Nine new lines of early rice with big difference in traits were selected to study the characters of plant height, plant number of spike, number of first branch, number of spikelets, spike length and 1000-grain weight by single stepwise regression analysis The relationship between the yield and the up-to-dry rice breeding strategy in Heilongjiang River Basin were studied. The results showed that in all investigated traits, the number of panicles per plant, the number of panicles per panicle and the 1000-grain weight had a significant effect on the yield per plant. The contribution of the three to the yield per plant spike number> spike grain> 1000 grain weight, the direct path coefficient were 0.50,0.38 and 0.12, reaching significant and extremely significant level. The plant height, the number of panicles per panicle, the number of primary branchlets, the number of panicles per panicle and the length of spikelets were negatively correlated with the 1000-grain weight. The effects of spike length> number of primary branches> number of plantlets> number of panicle per plant> The number of actual grains was also negatively correlated with the number of panicles. The single strain with high productivity is the coordination and unification of the number of panicles per plant, the number of panicle grains per panicle and the weight of 1000-grain weight at the higher level. Breeding should be combined with practice. Under the condition of light and temperature in this region, the breeding strategy of Upland rice is to cultivate the plant height and heading date moderately, increase the number of per plant and the number of per plant per panicle, control the length of ear and stabilize 1000-grain weight. The specific index is that the heading date is from August 20 to August 25, the plant height is about 100cm, the grain number of spikelets is no less than 100 grains, the grain weight is over 26g, and the yield is 350-400kg per 666.7m ~ 2.
报 刊的通讯报道 ,在写结尾时往往被人忽视 ,以为有无结尾或临到结尾 ,随便勾划几句了事 ,无足轻重。其实不然 ,一个好的结尾 ,能使作品生辉 ,给人留下深刻难忘的印象。我国
Effects of four coating formulations on maize production were studied.The results showed that all coating formulations had some effects on improving maize seed
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2003年3月20日开始的美国对伊拉克战争,是人类历史上最新的一场战争,也是人类历史上首次完全由电视直播的战争。这既是战争的奇迹,也是电视的奇迹。 中国老百姓通过国家电视