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请阅读下文,思考文后的问题。1悲剧中有人生,人生中不必有悲剧。我们的世界中有的是凶灾险恶。但是说这种凶灾险恶是悲剧,只是在用比譬。悲剧所描写的固然也不外乎凶灾险恶,但是悲剧的凶灾险恶是在艺术的锅炉中蒸馏过的。2像一切艺术一样,戏剧要有几分近情理,也要有几分不近情理。它要有几分近情理,否则它和人生没有接触点,读来兴味索然;它也要有 Please read below, thinking after the problem. There is life in a tragedy, there is no tragedy in life. Some of our world is fierce and dangerous. However, this evil is a tragedy, but with analogy. Although tragedy describes no less than a brutal evil, but the vicious tragedy of evil is distilled in the art of the boiler. Like all the arts, the drama needs a bit of near reason and a bit of unreasonableness. It needs a bit of near reason, or it has no point of contact with life, read it interesting; it also has
农田化学除草剂的种类很多,在农业生产上有针对性地使用化学除草剂,可以杀灭杂草,保护作物,且省工省时省力、防治效果好。一、化学除草剂的种类 1.选择性除草剂该除 There
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玉米黑粉菌就是玉米棒子上生的病菌。又叫玉米乌米、棒子包、玉米黑霉等。 凡是在种有玉米的乡村里呆过的人,差不多都认得玉米黑粉菌。长了玉米黑粉菌的玉米就是生病了,这种
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