
来源 :语数外学习(数学教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llljjjxxx777
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世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶,更找不到两个完全相同的学生。在这样的情况下,如果在初中数学课堂教学中仍然完全采用传统的教学模式来授课,那么势必造成“尖子生吃不饱,后进生吃不了”的现象,长此下去就会形成严重的“两极分化”。为此,教师应该树立正确的教育观念,在教学中积极面对学生间的差异来因材施教,使每个学生都得到充分的发展呢?本文从课前加强学习、更新理念,精心备课、未雨绸缪;课中因材施教、分层教学,合作互助、共同发展;课后及时反馈、积极调整几个方面进行了论述。 There are not two identical leaves in the world and no two identical students. Under such circumstances, if the traditional teaching mode is still used in middle school mathematics classroom teaching, it will inevitably result in the phenomenon that “the top students can not eat enough food and can not afford to eat afterwards”, which will lead to a serious problem in the long run “Polarization ”. To this end, teachers should establish a correct concept of education, teaching in the face of student differences to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so that each student have been fully developed it? This article from before the class to enhance learning, update their concepts, careful preparation, take precautions; Class teaching, teaching in layers, cooperation and mutual assistance and common development; timely feedback after class, actively adjust several aspects were discussed.
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