Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction:a New Topic for the Tumor Registry

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zs1979
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Linzhou,Yangcheng,Shexian and Yangzhong counties are considered to be high-risk areas for esophageal carcinoma using traditional standards.However,based on the incidence of malignant tumors and death statistics from 1998~2002 in Chinese cities and counties[1],the incidence of esophageal carcinoma in these counties was not the most prominent.In these areas,the incidence of gastric cancer ranked first.So what are the differences between the above-mentioned areas and Changle in Fujina and Linqu in Shandong Province?The authors have combined the defined norms for cardiac cancer,published by the WHO in 2000,with the epidemiological changes in high-risk areas of esophageal carcinoma[2].We propose to discuss the importance of cardiac cancer morbidity and death registration in tumor monitoring sites al over China,and to provide new views related to this topic of interest. Linzhou, Yangcheng, Shexian and Yangzhong counties are considered to be high-risk areas for esophageal carcinoma using traditional standards. However, based on the incidence of malignant tumors and death statistics from 1998 to 2002 in Chinese cities and counties [1], the incidence of esophageal carcinoma in these counties was not the most prominent.In these areas, the incidence of gastric cancer ranked first. So what are the differences between the above-mentioned areas and Changle in Fujina and Linqu in Shandong Province? The authors have combined the defined norms for cardiac cancer, published by the WHO in 2000, with the epidemiological changes in high-risk areas of esophageal carcinoma [2]. We propose to discuss the importance of cardiac cancer morbidity and death registration in tumor monitoring sites al over China, and to provide new views related to this topic of interest.
夏利和达契亚轿车常发现烧蚀白金的现象。有的司机一天换几副白金,叫苦不迭,经研究认为: 一、烧蚀原因 经分析烧蚀原因主要有:1.初级电压过高;2.触点太脏;3.电容器容量过大
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作为欧巡赛2006赛季的开幕战,HSBC 汇丰冠军赛无疑是2005年中国高尔夫最隆重的盛事。包括“老虎”伍兹在内的16位世界排名前50的一线球星和四大巡回赛的冠军得主在“老虎”