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吉剧是我省独有的地方戏曲剧种。自一九五九年创建以来,至今二十余载,举办这样的盛会还是空前的。所谓空前盛会,一指参加汇演的剧团及人员之广;二指演出创作新节目之多;三指剧本创作和综合舞台艺术质量之高;四指剧种建设“攻关步子迈得之大。汇演成果丰硕,吉剧界内外首肯赞誉,自然是得之不易。为什么创建只二十几年的一个新剧种,能够取得如此令人兴奋的成绩?我们应该冷静思考,认真总结。吉剧的兴起,不同于我国其它某些古老剧种。它诞生在社会主义时期,是在党的领导下,组织音乐、文学、戏曲工作者, Ji drama is a unique local opera drama in our province. Since it was founded in 1959, it has been more than 20 years since it was an unprecedented event to host such a grand occasion. The so-called unprecedented event, one refers to the repertoire of the troupe and personnel; second finger performance of the creation of many new programs; three-finger script creation and the quality of the integrated stage art high; four fingers drama building " Rich, ji ji sector both inside and outside the approval of praise, nature is not easy.Why create a new drama only twenty years to achieve such an exciting result? We should calmly think, conscientiously sum up.Ji drama rise, Unlike some other ancient operas in our country, it was born during the socialist period under the leadership of the party and organized music, literature and opera workers,
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(一) 从1974年以来,江苏相继开展了火炬松、湿地松等38个树种种子芽移技术的试验和推广应用工作,经不断的探索,现已取得了良好的结果。 (一)摸索出了一套较为完整的林木种