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在新课改大背景下,中小学美术教育迎来了新的挑战和机遇。一来,中小学美术教师应该努力适应时代的发展,对自己的教学模式进行改革,从学生的实际情况出发,探寻美术教育的新道路。二来,新课改背景下,要求教师立足于学生的个体化差异,提高学生美术素养的同时,促进学生综合素质的提高。本文通过分析中小学美术教育现状,针对其中存在的问题进行对策探究,以期提高中小学美术教学质量,促进学生的综合性发展。 Under the background of the new curriculum reform, art education in primary and secondary schools ushered in new challenges and opportunities. As a result, art teachers in primary and secondary schools should strive to adapt to the development of the times, reform their own teaching modes, and proceed from the students' actual conditions to explore new ways of art education. Second, under the background of the new curriculum reform, teachers are required to be based on the individual differences of students, to improve students' artistic accomplishments, and to promote the improvement of overall quality of students. This article analyzes the current situation of art education in primary and secondary schools, in order to solve the existing problems in order to improve the quality of art teaching in primary and secondary schools and promote the comprehensive development of students.
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