Design and Preparation of pH-responsive Curdlan Hydrogels as a Novel Protein Delivery Vector

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbandd
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New pH-responsive saccharide hydrogels were designed and prepared using curdlan derivatives(curdlan-Bochistidine, CUR-HIS). The CUR-HIS hydrogels possessed highly porous structures. The swelling ratios of CUR-HIS hydrogels increased with the degree of substitution of Boc-histidine groups. And the addition of 0.5 mol/L Na Cl provoked a sharp reduction of swelling ratio of CUR-HIS hydrogels. Bovine serum albumin(BSA) can be efficiently encapsulated into CUR-HIS hydrogels. Moreover, the release profiles of BSA at different p H values from CUR-HIS hydrogels were significantly different. These hydrogels showed good biocompatibility in the cytotoxicity assays. The CUR-HIS hydrogels are of great potential in biomedical applications such as protein delivery systems. The CUR-HIS hydrogels possessed highly porous structures. The swelling ratio of CUR-HIS hydrogels increased with the degree of substitution of Boc- Histidine groups. And the addition of 0.5 mol / L Na Cl provoked a sharp reduction of swelling ratio of CUR-HIS hydrogels. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be efficiently encapsulated into CUR-HIS hydrogels. These hydrogels showed good biocompatibility in the cytotoxicity assays. The CUR-HIS hydrogels are of great potential in biomedical applications such as protein delivery systems.
子痫是孕妇特有的严重并发症,是孕产妇及围产期儿死亡的主要原因之一。子痫的发病原因至今未明,防治问题亦未能彻底解决,为此,本文拟通过对广东地区1975年至1979年子 Eclam
患者26岁,停经9个月。1985年8月4日突然觉上腹部持续性疼痛,逐渐加重,并向右肩胛放散,深呼吸时疼痛明显,不能平卧,大汗淋漓,故急诊入我院。患者近期无外伤史及 Patient 26