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含山县是一个既不临江又不沿海的内地县。随着投资需求不断增强,含山人深深感到,单纯依靠自身投资发展经济远远不够。为此,含山县委、县政府提出了外向带动战略,将项目与招商引资作为经济工作的重中之重,广泛动员全县上下开展全方位招商引资,取得了明显成效。2003年,全县共引进内资项目149个,实际到位资金8.3亿元;引进外资项目7个,实际到位资金768.5万美元。截至今年3月底,该县引进项目25个,实际到位资金2.3亿元,同比增长86%。 (一) 突出招商重点,创新招商方式。紧紧抓住三个重点:即工业和外资是招商的重点方向:“长三角”、“珠三角”地区是招商的重点区域;投资规模较大、科技含量和附加值较高、产品出口创汇项目是重点招商项目。在明确主攻方向的同时,坚持“走出去、请进来”的办法,积极创新招商方式。 Hanshan County is neither a coastal counties nor the coastal counties. As investment demand continues to grow, Hamsans deeply feel that it is far from enough to rely solely on their own investments for economic development. To this end, Hanshan county government put forward the strategy of export-led, the project and investment as the top priority of economic work, mobilize the whole county to carry out a full range of investment, has achieved remarkable results. In 2003, a total of 149 domestic-funded projects were introduced into the county, with the actual funds in place amounting to 830 million yuan. Seven foreign-funded projects were introduced, with the actual funds in place of 7.68 million U.S. dollars. As of the end of March this year, the county introduced 25 projects, the actual capital of 230 million yuan, an increase of 86%. (A) highlight the focus of investment, innovative investment approach. We should firmly grasp three key points: that is, industrial and foreign investment are the key directions for investment attraction: “Yangtze River Delta” and “Pearl River Delta” are the key areas for attracting investment; the investment scale is large, the science and technology content and added value are higher, Project is the key investment projects. In a clear direction of the main attack at the same time, adhere to the “go out, please come in” approach, and actively innovate investment approach.
(括号内数字为刊期·页码 )●体育社会科学我国体育产业的现状及对其加入WTO后发展的几点建议常 静 ,靳晓奇(1·1 )………………………………关于我国发行足球彩票的起步与
这是《工人日报》评论员刘文宁不久前一篇社评的标题,用在我们终于走完漫漫征程,迎来WTO大门轰然洞开的今天,显得别有意味。 中国人并不缺少智慧,但在许多时候许多地方,我们