The Transportation in England

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  If you visit the UK, you will know one of the biggest problems there. It’s the heavy traffic on the road. If you drive in England, you are likely to spend much time on a traffic jam.
  Last winter vacation, I went to London with my parents. We were going to meet a friend there. We both took public transport. The friend lives in Canterbury and the best way to get there is by train. We live in Oxford and the easiest way to get there is by bus. In fact, buses come to London every 10 minutes, so you don’t have to wait long for one. We both prefer public transport not only bacause it’s better for the environment but also bacause it’s cheaper.
  座右铭:Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
Introduce Myself  Hello, everyone. My name is Wang Mei. I am fourteen years old. I am 1.58 meters tall. I am very fond of painting, dancing, reading, running and playing the piano in my spare time. I
Many advanced English learners have a large “passive2 vocabulary”, but they worry about the size of their “active vocabulary”. They can understand many difficult English words when reading or listenin
一、选择填空。  ( )1. The text is very easy for you. There are new words in it.  A. a few B. a little  C. few D. little  ( )2. —Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?  —John .  A. cleaned B. does C. did
本期点评名师  陈传光 男 江苏省连云港市罗阳中学高级教师,从事教育工作逾15年。江苏省教育学会会员,连云港市优秀教育园丁,英语专业技能大赛市一等奖,班主任基本功大赛市一等奖;有多篇论文在各主流和核心期刊上发表;指导学生在各类竞赛中取得了出色成绩,多人获得省级奖和地市级奖。  Today our school held a sports meeting. It began at 8 o’clock
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China is acting to cut down on food waste. It has started a campaign to get people to think about how much food they waste. It is called the “Clean Plate” campaign. President Xi Jinping wants people t
展览时间:2014.03.08至06.15  展览地点:上海K11艺术购物中心  本次展览是“中法建交50周年”重要庆典活动之一,也是中国大陆第一次莫奈专题特展。莫奈作为印象派的创始人之一,在他的年代亦是先锋前卫艺术家的代表。K11希望借由此次特展,让更多的艺术爱好者感受来自大师的艺术感染力;同时,也意在鼓励年轻艺术家坚持自己的创作理念,并相信优秀的先锋派终将成为经典。展览将展出55件展品,包括4
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格雷格·克勒恩  格雷格·克勒恩是加利福利亚州奥克兰的一名艺术家,他发挥所长帮助无家可归的人。他建了一些小屋,让睡在街上的人住得稍微舒服些。小屋在坏天气里为流浪者提供了安全和保护。每个小屋底部还有轮子,可以随主人移动。  格雷格·克勒恩已經送出至少20间小屋。有几个还处于繁华铁路的路边。最近某天,克勒恩先生拜访了奥斯卡·杨。两人拥抱了一下。在杨的小住所里,他可以不用在寒冷的夜里在街上受冻了。克勒恩