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案例: 我进出口公司A公司向英国出口一批核桃仁,共100万吨。国外B公司开来的信用证规定:“100M,T,Walnut meats from Xingang to London,and 60M/T of Walnut meats from Xingang to Liverpool instead of originastipulation,other terms of L/C remain unchanged.“ (装运改为:40公吨核桃仁,从新港到伦敦,60公吨核桃仁,从新港到利物浦,信用证中其他条款保持不变。)接到此证后,A公司用S轮将40公吨核桃仁从新港运往伦敦,提单日期为3月31日,用W轮将60公吨核桃仁从新港运往利物浦,提单日期为4月1日。交单至银行,遭到银行拒付,理由是货物分批装运了,与信用证要求不符,且部分货物的装运时间也与来证不符。收到拒付通知后,A公司致电银行予以反驳:“我方是按照国外改证的要求做的,货物均由轮船沿同一航线运往英国,根据UCP500第40条b款规定,我方做法不应视为分批,且装运时间符合来证规定,故你方应接受单据,按时付款。”银行不接受A公司的反驳理由,经多方交涉,最终以削价处理而结案。 Case: I Import and Export Company A Company exports a batch of walnut kernels to the United Kingdom, totaling 1 million tons. Letter of credit issued by a foreign company B states: ”100M, T, Walnut meats from Xingang to London, and 60M / T of Walnut meats from Xingang to Liverpool instead of originastipulation, other terms of L / C remain unchanged. “ Instead, 40 metric tons of walnut kernels, from Newport to London and 60 metric tons of walnut kernel, from Newport to Liverpool, remain unchanged in other terms of the letter of credit.) Upon receipt of this certificate, Company A used S-Rounds to convert 40 metric tons of walnut kernels Newport shipped to London, the bill of lading date is March 31, with 60 rounds of W Walnut shipped from Newport to Liverpool, bill of lading date of April 1. Paying the bill to the bank was dishonored by the bank on the grounds that the goods were shipped in batches and did not comply with the requirements of the letter of credit and that the shipment time of some of the goods was inconsistent with the permit. After receiving the refusal notice, Company A called the bank to refute: ”We did this according to the requirements of foreign reorganization and the goods were shipped by ship to the UK on the same route. According to Article 40 (b) of UCP500, Should be considered in batches, and the shipment time in line with the permit requirements, so you should accept the documents, on time payment. "Banks do not accept A Company’s rebuttal grounds, after negotiations, culminating in the closing price cut.
(接上期)第二节 保护工业产权巴黎公约 世界知识产权组织的起源可以追溯到1883年。1873年在维也纳举办的国际发明展览会上,外国参展人员因害怕其成果被偷走并被他国进行商业利用
2000年1月6日星期四 新年假期一结束,我们便赶到圣地亚哥,这是我们正式留学生活的第一站。 圣地亚哥大学女篮每次训练课的研究和安排都非常细致,包括课的目的、任务和手段,就连哪个教练
1999~2000 赛季已经过半, NBA正在有序而不失热闹地进行着,内行外行都有可看的东西,“后乔丹时代”的危机似乎并没有爆发。于是,一些人又为我们描绘了一片莺歌燕舞的NBA新世纪,不论是NBA官员出于行规
萨克拉门托国王队在去年11月11日和今年2月15日两次败在菲尼克斯太阳队手下,第一次103:119 输了16分,第二次108:117输了9分。国王和太阳相遇,焦点人物自然是贾森·基德和贾森·威廉姆斯。在爵士队的斯托