Preparation and Photovoltaic Properties of p-Type Nano-ZnFe_2O_4

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haibolovemj
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p-Type nano-ZnFe2O4 semiconductors were gained by high-prssure treatment.Surface photovoltaic spectrum(SPS) and transient photovoltaic technology(TPV) were used for studying the photogenerated charge of nano-ZnFe2O4.Results show that the photovoltaic behavior of nano-ZnFe2O4 changed as the processing pressure increased.When the processing pressure was higher than 2 GPa,both SPS response interval and peak changed significantly.XPS results show that the non-lattice oxygen entered into the lattice and the content of lattice oxygen increased with the increase of processing pressure.The material changed from oxygen vacancy type to oxygen excess type and the photoelectric properties changed from n-type to p-type when the processing pressure is higher than 2 GPa. p-Type nano-ZnFe2O4 semiconductors were gained by high-prssure treatment. Surface photovoltaic spectrum (SPS) and transient photovoltaic technology (TPV) were used for studying the photogenerated charge of nano-ZnFe2O4.Results show that the photovoltaic behavior of nano-ZnFe2O4 changed as the processing pressure increased. How the processing pressure was higher than 2 GPa, both SPS response interval and peak changed significantly. XPS results show that the non-lattice oxygen entered into the lattice and the content of lattice oxygen increased with the increase of processing pressure. the material changed from oxygen vacancy type to oxygen excess type and the electrical properties changed from n-type to p-type when the processing pressure is higher than 2 GPa.
In this work,the terahertz(THz) electromotive force(EMF) of the surface plasmon(SP) electric field and field strength was investigated in its propagation direct
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