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从1946年7月13日至8月27日,中国人民解放军在江苏中部地区,面对数倍于我的国民党军的进攻(敌12万人,我3万余人),依靠解放区的有力条件,采取集中优势兵力在运动中歼灭敌人的战法,七战七捷,歼敌56000余人,是为苏中战役.在苏中战役中,新四军军长兼山东军区司令员陈毅、华中军区司令员张鼎丞、华中军区政治委员邓子恢、华中军区副司令员兼华中野战军司令员粟裕(题图左一)、华中军区副政治委员兼华中野战军政治委员谭震林等首长,电报往来,当面磋商,群策群力,从实际出发,创造性地执行中央军委的战略决策,给我留下了深刻的印象.尤其是始终在第一线指挥的粟司令员那种无私无畏的革命胆略、统观全局的非凡智谋、灵活多变的指挥艺术,使我敬佩不已,终身难忘.1 解放战争开始时,军委根据敌军的态势,曾设想南线战场外线出击,华中野战军兵出淮南,占领蚌埠、浦口段铁路,以配合山东野战军歼敌于徐、蚌间的作战,并就此方案征询战区指挥员的意见.粟司令员在全面分 From July 13, 1946 to August 27, 1946, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) faced several times the attack on the KMT army in central Jiangsu (120,000 enemy troops and more than 30,000 people) and relied on the powerful conditions in the liberated areas , Take concentrated superior forces in the campaign to annihilate the enemy’s tactics, seven war seven Jie, annihilated more than 56000 people, is the Soviet Union battle .In the Soviet-Chinese campaign, the New Fourth Army commander and Shandong Military Region Commander Chen Yi, commander of the Central Military Region Zhang Dingcheng, Political Commissar of the Central Military Region Deng Zihui, Deputy Commander of the Central Military Region and Commander of the Central China Field Army Su Yu (left), Deputy Political Commissar of the Central Military Region and Political Commissar of the Central China Field Army Tan Zhenlin and other heads of state telegraph exchanges and face to face consultations, work together from the actual Starting from the creative implementation of the Central Military Commission’s strategic decision-making, left a deep impression on me, especially the Commander Su, commander in chief of the front line, the selfless and brave revolutionary courage, Commanding art, I admire endless, unforgettable life.1The war of liberation began, the Central Military Commission according to the situation of the enemy, had envisaged the attack on the southern line of battlefield outside, Huazhong Field Army troops out of Huainan, occupy the mussel Pukou section of the railway, to tie in Shandong Field Army annihilated Xu, fighting between the mussels, and to consult the program of the theater commander. Millet commander in overall points
我和王佳纳导演不太熟,每次见面只是相互寒暄几句。但她导的戏,凡是拿到北京来演出过的,我都看了,而且留下很美好的印象。 记不得是在哪一出戏的座谈会上,我发表了这样一个
我们对12例喘息性肺炎的患儿采用维生素K_3肌肉注射治疗,收效满意,现报告如下: 一、临床表现:起病较急,发烧,体温38~39.5℃;咳嗽、气喘、呼吸快而浅60~80次/分,轻度缺氧;双肺
目的:研究诺氟沙星(norfloxacin,NFLX)在清醒大鼠的神经毒性和毒代动力学。方法:大鼠随机分为4组,分别ivNS,NFLX 50,100和200mg/kg。连续记录自由活动大鼠的脑电图(EEG)。用