
来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weizai111
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中国邮电工会是中国邮电职工自愿结合起来的群众组织,是邮电职工的重要代表者,是发展邮电事业的一支不可忽视的力量,也是维护邮电职工权益的重要社会政治团体。邮电工会建立于1950年。30多年来,组织不断健全、发展和状大,现有会员92万,为全国邮电职工总数的94%。邮电工会设三级组织机构;全国委员会;省、自治区、直辖市委员会;县市邮电局或其他基层邮电企事业委员会,即基层工会。全国基层工会现共有3022个,是邮电工会开展工作的基层 China Post and Telecommunications Union is a mass organization voluntarily united by Chinese post and telecommunications workers, an important representative of post and telecommunications workers, an indispensable force for the development of the post and telecommunications industry, and an important social and political body for safeguarding the rights and interests of post and telecommunications workers. Post and Telecommunications Union was established in 1950. For more than 30 years, the organization has been continuously improved, developed and shaped. The existing membership is 920,000, which is 94% of the total post and telecommunications staff in the country. Post and Telecommunications Union set up three levels of institutions; the National Committee; provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the municipal council; county post offices or other grass-roots post and telecommunications enterprises and enterprises committees, grass-roots trade unions. The total number of grassroots trade unions in the country now totals 3,022, which is the grassroots level at which the postal unions work
Piggery wastewater contains high concentrations of organic matter and ammonia nitrogen,and it is difficult to treat it and make the discharged wastewater to mee
这几个故事,是为六、七岁(相当于幼儿园大班)儿童编写的: 故事1、小华是个聪明、听话、守纪律的孩子。班里开展“戴小红花”活动以来,她是班里戴小红花次数最多的孩子。有一
乌龟?乌龟!就是那种到处都可见的,灰溜溜的,缩头缩尾的小东西。不是名贵的巴西龟,也不是珍稀的巨型大海龟;不仅无名,甚至会被人恶意诋毁、中伤。那么,你会从心 Turtle? Tur