强化管理求效率 深化改革促发展——韩城市昝村镇中学多举措加快教育教学工作新发展

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位于中国花椒之乡——韩城市东北隅、黄河西畔的昝村镇中学,是一所远离城区的农村学校。近年来,学校加大对办学条件的改善力度,先后投资十万余元对学生食堂进行了改造,购置了图书、音美及体育器材,并对校园进行了绿化和美化,营造了良好的育人环境。尤其是在新课程改革伊始,学校以“调整思路,深化改革,加强建设,强化管理,突出重点,真抓实干,长抓不懈”为宗旨,狠抓“两个常规”的落实,全面推进素质教育,以教科研改革为动力,以大幅度提高教育质量为目标,抓学习,整作风,练内功,求发展。强化德育教育对形成未成年人思想道德体系建设尤为重要,学校狠抓学生的规范教育和养成教育,形成了以各班主任为辅导员,党、政、工、团齐抓共管的政教组对学生集中性开展思想品德教育,坚持定期通报德育贯彻的检查情况,有针对地疏导扭转;同时,学校制定了班主任工作考评方案、班级量化 Located in the hometown of China’s Sichuan pepper - the northeastern corner of Hancheng and the West Village of the Yellow River, is a rural school far from the city. In recent years, the school has stepped up its efforts to improve the conditions for running schools. It has invested 100,000 yuan in transforming students’ canteens, purchased books, music, and sports equipment, and carried out greening and beautification of the campus to create a good education. Human environment. Especially at the beginning of the new curriculum reform, the school used “adjustment of ideas, deepening reforms, strengthening construction, strengthening management, highlighting key points, real work, and long-term commitment,” and for the purpose, pay close attention to the implementation of the “two routines”. We will promote quality education in an all-round way, take the reform of teaching and research as a driving force, and aim at greatly improving the quality of education. We must grasp learning, work style, practice internal strength, and seek development. Strengthening moral education is particularly important for the establishment of ideological and moral systems for minors. The school pays close attention to students’ standard education and fostering education, and forms a political and religious group that employs each class teacher as a counselor, and the Party, the government, the workers, and the regiments are all in charge. The students carried out ideological and moral education in a focused manner, insisted on regularly reporting inspections on the implementation of moral education, and directed and reversed them. At the same time, the school formulated a work evaluation program for class teachers and class quantification.
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