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银鱼是我省主要经济鱼类之一,历史悠久,颇负盛名。关于银鱼的产生,在洞庭湖区流传着一个这样的神话:猴王孙悟空偷吃了天宫王母娘娘的蟋桃,王母娘娘气得披头散发,带兵去追拿猴王。在追打路上,不料将头上插发的两根玉簪掉在洞庭湖中,化为一对洁白如银的鱼。银鱼体长一般为10~16厘米,身体细长如柳叶状。全体呈银白色、透明,惟鳍边缘略现一线黑色(沅江银鱼眼黑色,岳阳银鱼眼红色),浮于水内,俨与水色,故只见一小点黑眼睛。银鱼繁殖和习性较为奇特。银鱼个小寿命也只有一年左右,是鱼类中生命最短的。其繁殖过程据有经验的老渔翁介绍:在数九寒冬之时,先产卵于湖面冰雪之上,随冰雪溶化成凉粉状,无色透明,浮于水面。至竖年春暖花开之时,才开始孵化。生长缓慢,一般在农历五月,才发育成 Silverfish is one of the main economic fish in our province, with a long history and quite prestigious. The production of silverfish, circulating in the Dongting Lake area such a myth: the monkey king Monkey King ate the Temple of the Queen Mother’s cricket, the Queen Mother angry disheveled, troops to chase Monkey King. In the chase on the road, unexpectedly plunged two hairpin hair fall in the Dongting Lake, into a pair of white as silver fish. Silverfish body length is generally 10 to 16 cm, slender body such as willow-like. The whole was silver-white, transparent, but slightly fins edge slightly black (Yuanjiang whitebait eye black, Yueyang silverfish eye red), floating in the water, Yan and aqua, it only saw a little black eyes. Silverfish reproduction and habits are more exotic. A small silverfish life is only about a year, is the shortest life in fish. The breeding process, according to experienced fisherman introduction: in the winter when the first spawning in the lake above the snow, with the ice melting into a jelly-like, colorless, transparent, floating on the water. To the vertical spring bloom, began to hatch. Slow growth, usually in the lunar calendar in May, developed into
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