
来源 :中国建筑史论汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chensiren
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“替木式短栱”是栌斗上用替木承栱的特殊做法,营造学社时期梁思成、刘敦桢等先生已有关注。本文在先生们研究的基础上,尽可能全面地搜集相关材料,梳理这种做法在不同时期的分布和形式演变,从其最早的形式出发,推断其源于低等建筑中“单斗只替”做法,并从结构功能角度,指出这种做法中替木作为棋使用的趋势,反映了替木衍化为栱这一历史过程。 “For the wooden short 栱 ” is a special practice on the bucket with a wooden bearing, to create a club period Liang Sicheng, Liu Dunzhen, etc. have been concerned. Based on the studies of gentlemen, this article collects the related materials as comprehensively as possible and sorts out the distribution and formal evolution of this practice in different periods. From its earliest form, it deduces that it originated from the low-rise buildings For the sake of structure and function, it is pointed out that the trend of using timbers as chess in this practice reflects the historical process of the evolution of tiam.
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于CT定位下采用颅内血肿穿刺术治疗高血压脑出血患者60 例。结果血肿基本清除需要3天5 例,5天21例,7 天26 例,10 天4 例。3~7 天死亡6 例,死亡率10% 。认为本穿刺术治疗高血压脑出血创伤轻微、疗效显著,
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去年年底,中国移动、摩托罗拉和上海至通三家公司决定,将在今年共同拓展GPRS游戏业务…… The end of last year, China Mobile, Motorola and Shanghai to pass the three
《病梅馆记》是龚自珍的散文名篇,被选入高中语文课本。《病梅馆记》明写梅,实写人。梅即是人,人即是梅。这一点,是解读本文的关键。 “Sick Plum Pavilion” is Gong Zizhe
目前,国内高校的专业划分中,一级学科专业“土木工程”(Civil Engineering,即民用工程),主要包括二级学科专业如下:结构工程(或称建筑工程)、桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程、市政
本文考证了老子的姓氏 ,证实了老子是姓偃、氏李 This article examines the surname of Lao Tzu, confirmed that Lao Tzu is surnamed Yan, Lee’s