Rare complications of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:star225
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The incidence of type 1 diabetes(T1D) among youth is steadily increasing across the world. Up to a third of pediatric patients with T1 D present with diabetic ketoacidosis, a diagnosis that continues to be the leading cause of death in this population. Cerebral edema is the most common rare complication of diabetic ketoacidosis in children. Accordingly, treatment and outcome measures of cerebral edema are vastly researched and the pathophysiology is recently the subject of much debate. Nevertheless, cerebral edema is not the onlysequela of diabetic ketoacidosis that warrants close monitoring. The medical literature details various other complications in children with diabetic ketoacidosis, including hypercoagulability leading to stroke and deep vein thrombosis, rhabdomyolysis, pulmonary and gastrointestinal complications, and long-term memory dysfunction. We review the pathophysiology, reported cases, management, and outcomes of each of these rare complications in children. As the incidence of T1 D continues to rise, practitioners will care for an increasing number of pediatric patients with diabetic ketoacidosis and should be aware of the various systems that may be affected in both the acute and chronic setting. The incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) among youth is steadily increasing across the world. Up to a third of pediatric patients with T1 D present with diabetic ketoacidosis, a diagnosis that continues to be the leading cause of death in this population. Cerebral edema is the most common rare complication of diabetic ketoacidosis in children. Yet, treatment and outcome measures of cerebral edema are vastly researched and the pathophysiology is recently the subject of much debate. Nevertheless, cerebral edema is not the onlysequela of diabetic ketoacidosis that warrants close monitoring . The medical literature details various other complications in children with diabetic ketoacidosis, including hypercoagulability leading to stroke and deep vein thrombosis, rhabdomyolysis, pulmonary and gastrointestinal complications, and long-term memory dysfunction. We review the pathophysiology, reported cases, management, and outcomes of each of these rare complications in children. As the inci dence of T1 D continues to rise, practitioners will care for an increasing number of pediatric patients with diabetic ketoacidosis and should be aware of the various systems that may be affected in both the acute and chronic settings.
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