
来源 :中国政府采购 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moshi122
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财政部于2014年12月2日-3日在北京召开了WTO政府采购协定国际研讨会,围绕欧美政府采购法律制度、GPA谈判和出价等主题进行多方面深入交流,为政府采购制度改革和我国加入GPA谈判提供帮助和借鉴。外交部、国家发改委、教育部等20个中央部委相关人士,军队和武警部队部分代表,以及各省(区、市)政府采购监管部门负责人参加了研讨会。为更加全面的反映本次会议成果,本刊特刊登了GPA专家发言、听众问答、领导总结等所有现场记录,以期对关注GPA谈判工作的政府采购同仁有所启迪。 The Ministry of Finance convened an international seminar on WTO government procurement agreement in Beijing from December 2 to December 3, 2014 to conduct in-depth exchanges on various topics such as the legal system for government procurement in Europe and the United States, GPA negotiations and bids, and to promote the reform of the government procurement system and our country Join the GPA negotiations to provide help and reference. Relevant persons from 20 central ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, some representatives of the armed forces and the Armed Police Force, as well as heads of procurement regulatory authorities of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) attended the seminar. In order to more fully reflect the outcome of this conference, we published a series of on-site records of GPA experts’ speeches, audience quizzes and leadership summaries so as to give some inspiration to government procurement colleagues who are concerned about the negotiation of the GPA.
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