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在整个解放战争中,在被中国人民解放军俘虏的国民党将领中, 没有比杜聿明的官位更大的了。杜聿明为徐州“剿总”中将副总司令,黄埔一期。 杜聿明是被谁活捉的呢?毫无疑问是解放军官兵。可是,还有一个人当时是“美名天下扬”的,遗憾的是现在已被很多人忘记了。在有些写淮海战役的史书中,不提他了;在反映淮海战役的电影中,也不提他了。这个人是谁呢? 据杜聿明在《淮海战役始末》一文(收入《淮海战役亲历记》一书,中国文史出版社1983年版)中说,是“一个老百姓”。 据活捉杜聿明8天后,发表在《大众日报》(1949年1月18日)上的一篇题为《战犯杜聿明落网记》的通讯上说,是“一位老乡”。 据中国人民大学出版社1989年出版的《萧县志》记载:1949年1月10日凌晨,杜聿明化名“高文明”,逃到了萧县的张老庄附近,遇到一位拾粪的农民段庆香。杜的副官把金戒指塞到段的手中,企图 Throughout the War of Liberation, there were no more Kuomintang officials captured by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army than those of Du Yuming. Du Yuming Xuzhou “destroy the general,” Lieutenant Commander in Chief, Whampoa a. Du Yuming who was captured? There is no doubt that the PLA officers and men. However, there was another person who was “famous in the world” and regretted that it has now been forgotten by many people. In some history books about the Huaihai Campaign, I did not mention him; nor did I mention him in films that reflected the battle of Huai Hai. Who is this man? According to Du Yuming, “The Story of the Huaihai Campaign,” a book entitled “The Life History of the Huaihai Campaign,” a book published by the Chinese Literature and History Press in 1983, said “one ordinary people.” According to a communication entitled “Survivorship of Du Yuming,” published in Daily News (January 18, 1949) 8 days after the capture of Du Yuming, it was “a fellow countryman.” According to the “Xiaoxianzhi” published by Renmin University of China in 1989: In the early hours of January 10, 1949, Du Yuming became famous as Gao Wenming and fled to nearby Zhang Laozhuang in Xiaoxian County where he met a peasant dredging dung . Du adjutant stuffed the golden ring into the hands of the section, attempting
鲁西南战役的胜利 ,证明了党中央毛泽东决策的英明 ,充分表现了刘伯承、邓小平老一辈无产队级革命家卓越的军事指挥艺术 ,丰富了毛泽东军事思想 ,并创造了许多历史经验。本文
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I will take fate by the throat ,it will not bend me completely to its will .——Beethoven伟大的作曲家路德维希·凡·贝多芬1770年生于德国波恩市,他不仅是一名成功的