The clinical application of multi-slice spiral CT angiography in abdominal aortic disease

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drhxumingzhu
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Objective: To evaluate the clinical application of multi-slice spiral CT angiography(MSCTA) in the assessment of abdominal aortic disease. Methods: Fifty-four patients underwent multi-slice spiral CT angiography of abdomen. Contrast agent (Omnipaque 300 I g/L) 1.5 ml/kg was injected and the injection rate was 3 ml/s. The delay time was determined by bolus tracking technique, T11 level abdominal aorta was set as the target vessel and the threshold was 180-200 Hu, slice width was 3 mm and with a pitch of 4-6. Original data were transferred to working-station to perform functional reconstruction. Results: Ten cases were normal, twenty-eight cases were abdominal aortic aneurysms, five abdominal aortic dissecting aneurysms (Debakay type Ⅲ) and eleven aortic sclerosis. SSD showed the body of aneurysm and the relationship between aneurysm and adjacent blood vessel, MIP better displayed calcification of blood vessel wall and condition of the stent, MPR demonstrated true and false lumen, rupture site of abdominal aorta intima and mural thrombus. Conclusion: MSCTA axial and reconstruction image can show the extent of abdominal aortic disease and the relationship with adjacent blood vessels. It is a safe, simple and non-invasive examination method. Methods: Fifty-four patients underwent multi-slice spiral CT angiography of abdomen. Contrast agent (Omnipaque 300 I g / L ) 1.5 ml / kg was injected and the injection rate was 3 ml / s. The delay time was determined by bolus tracking technique, T11 level abdominal aort was was set as the target vessel and the threshold was 180-200 Hu, slice width was 3 Results: Ten cases were normal, twenty-eight cases were abdominal aortic aneurysms, five abdominal aortic dissecting aneurysms (Debakay type III) and eleven aortic sclerosis. SSD showed the body of aneurysm and the relationship between aneurysm and adjacent blood vessel, MIP better displayed calcification of blood vessel wall and condition of the stent, MPR demonstrated true and false lumen, rupt ure site of abdominal aorta intima and mural thrombus. Conclusion: MSCTA axial and reconstruction image can show the extent of abdominal aortic disease and the relationship with adjacent blood vessels. It is a safe, simple and non-invasive examination method.
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