
来源 :法制与经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaikankan
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海南省原海口市检察院手握批捕、起诉、生杀予夺大权的副检察长、政协海口市第十届委员王德伟,乱挥权杖徇情枉法,徇私枉法,非法收受他人财物共计30万元。此案震动椰岛,倍受世人关注。海南省检察院本着在法律面前人人平等的原则,秉公执法,不姑息养奸,痛下决心割掉自己队伍中的“毒瘤”,在上级和群众的支持下,经缜密侦查,终将此案侦查终结,移送海南检察分院审查起诉,交付审判。 Prosecutorial Office of Haikou City, Hainan Province, arrested the prosecutor, prosecutors, life and death to take the power of the Deputy Attorney General, CPPCC Haikou City, the tenth member of the Wang Dewei chaos, waving law and favoritism, illegally accepting other people’s property a total of 300,000 yuan. The case shook Coconut Island, much attention of the world. In line with the principle of equality before the law, Hainan Provincial Procuratorate upholds the principle of impartiality and enforcement of justice, does not restrain one’s father or mother, resolves to cut off the “cancer” in one’s own ranks, and, with the support of superiors and the masses, The end, transfer to Hainan Procuratorate to review and prosecute, to deliver the trial.
周国平在一篇文章里写到:幻想家都是现实生活的失败者。这句话说得没错,在现实生活中失败的人,只能在自己幻想的世界里寻求安慰。而我,正是这种人。 Zhou Guoping wrote in
姑娘惨遭凌辱,罪犯投案自首却又逍遥法外。细心的检察官抽丝剥茧,掀开云雾, 终于牵出了一起—— The girl was brutally abused, and the culprit surrendered to her and s
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招生考试通讯的老编们:你们好!我是一名高三学生。高三嘛,有压力是一定的,这点儿我从小就清楚,可当一切都排山倒 The old editors of the Admissions Newsletter: How are y
《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》规定:禁止歧视、侮辱、虐待或者遗弃老年人! The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Inter
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