美国Baxter sps-450血液透析机常见故障的分析及排除

来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:garnettxin
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血液透析机的出现是近代医学史上的重要成就之一。美国Baxter公司sps-450血液透析机功能全、操作简便是国内较早引进且较为普及的血液透析机。我院自八九年购买美国Baxter公司sps-450血液透析机至今已使用了近十年,该机稳定的性能给我院创造了良好 The emergence of hemodialysis machines is one of the important achievements in the history of modern medicine. Baxter’s sps-450 hemodialysis machine is fully functional and easy to operate. It is a hemodialysis machine introduced earlier and more popular in China. Our hospital has been using the Baxter sps-450 hemodialysis machine in the United States since 1989. It has been used for nearly 10 years. The stable performance of this machine has created a good performance for our hospital.
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