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最近,中共中央发出文件,提出了进一步解决困难群众生产和生活问题的具体措施和意见。———进一步加强对扶贫帮困工作的领导,把这项工作放到突出位置。各地区各部门一定要认真贯彻落实党的十六大精神,按照“三个代表”的要求,从维护改革发展稳定大局、实现国家长治久安的 Recently, the CPC Central Committee issued a document setting forth specific measures and opinions on how to further solve the problems of the production and livelihood of the people in need. --- To further strengthen the leadership of the work of helping the poor and helping the poor, put this work to a prominent position. All localities and departments must conscientiously implement the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress and, in accordance with the requirements of the “three represents,” maintain the overall interests of reform, development, and stability, and achieve lasting peace and stability of the country
利用音乐、热点新闻、多媒体、实践活动四大要素构建活泼化、时代化、现代化、生活化的课堂,让初三学生喜欢上国情教育课。 Use music, hot news, multimedia, practical ac
本文采用T櫣binger自动视野计(T櫣bingerAutomaticPerimeterComputerControlled,TAPcc)黄斑阈值程序观察1组早期年龄相关性黄斑病变(agerelatedmaculopathy,ARM)患者的中心10°视野,结合眼底 In this paper, T bin binger Automatic Perimeter Computed Contr
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·Professor and Head of Eye-ENT Center, Catholic University of Korea. ·Chairman of Catholic Foundation of Eye Research, Korea. ·Dean of the Post-graduate Sch
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