Precise timing of lacustrine gypsum in Luobubo,Xinjiang using the thermal ionization mass spectromet

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastphoto
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Dating techniques including gypsum dissolution in water, iron hydroxide co-precipitation with uranium and thorium and mass spectrometric determination have been investigated in this note. The ages of the gypsum samples in a CK core from Luobubo lacustrine sediments are in the range of (12.85±0.21) kaBP (4 m distance from the top core) to (153.2 ± 7.2) kaBP (49 m distance from the top core) with the relative errors of ( 1.6%-±4.7%. It indicates that the sedimental environment of the CK core was situated in the middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene periods, corresponding to 1-6 stages of oxygen isotopes in the abyssal sediments and included much information from last inter-glacial to Holocene warm periods. Dating techniques including gypsum dissolution in water, iron hydroxide co-precipitation with uranium and thorium and mass spectrometric determination have been investigated in this note. The ages of the gypsum samples in a CK core from Luobubo lacustrine sediments are in the range of (12.85 ± 0.21) kaBP (4 m distance from the top core) to (153.2 ± 7.2) kaBP (49 m distance from the top core) with the relative errors of (1.6% ± 4.7%. It indicates that the sedimental environment of the CK core was situated in the middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene periods, corresponding to 1-6 stages of oxygen isotopes in the abyssal sediments and included much information from last inter-glacial to Holocene warm periods.
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