Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Between Two Disks Rotating Independently

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhaoxin1983
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In the present paper, fluid flow and convective heat transfer between two co-axial disks rotating independently are dealt with mainly based on the author’s recent research on that topic. Three rotational modes, i.e. co-rotation, rotor-stator, and counter-rotation, are considered. Theory of rotating non-isothermal fluids with the presence of disk rotation and thermal effects is addressed. Rotational buoyancy effects on the flow structure development are highlighted. Results of flow visualization and heat transfer measurements are discussed to explore the thermal flow mechanisms involved in the two-disk flows at various rotational and geometric conditions. Potential issues open to the future investigation are also proposed. In the present paper, fluid flow and convective heat transfer between two co-axial disks rotating independently are dealt with mainly based on the author’s recent research on that topic. Three rotational modes, ie co-rotation, rotor-stator, and counter-rotation , are considered. Rotational buoyancy effects on the flow structure development are highlighted. Results of flow non-isothermal fluids with the presence of disk rotation and thermal effects is addressed. Results of flow visualization and heat transfer measurements are discussed to explore the thermal flow mechanisms involved in the two-disk flows at various rotational and geometric conditions. Potential issues open to the future investigation are also proposed.
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