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目的为及时掌握和分析近10年上海市宝山区尘肺病发病的新情况及新问题,总结和分析尘肺病发病和诊断的新特点及流行特征,为加强尘肺病预防控制和制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法采用1999—2008年上海市宝山区疾病预防控制中心收集到的所有有资质的尘肺病诊断机构出具的且尘肺病病人被诊断为尘肺病前工作地在宝山的尘肺病诊断证明书或尘肺病报告卡,剔除复查和晋级诊断病例,用EpiData3.1软件建立数据库并录入数据,通过SPSS12.0软件进行统计分析。结果 1999—2008年宝山区共确诊尘肺病101例,其中男性99例,占98.02%;女性2例,占1.98%。发病年龄范围为31~87岁,平均发病年龄(57.0±14.8)岁。Ⅰ期尘肺85例,占84.2%;Ⅱ期尘肺13例,占12.9%;Ⅲ期尘肺3例,占3.0%。有15.9%的病人没有得到早期预防。尘肺病种类分布相对集中,其中矽肺45例,占44.6%;焊工尘肺36例,占35.6%;铸工尘肺16例,占15.8%;其他尘肺4例,占4%。尘肺病人主要集中在铸造、水泥、金属冶炼、钢结构制造等行业。非公有制企业工人发病较公有制企业工人发病年轻,尘肺病发病与年份和季度无关,发病工龄越短,尘肺病期别越高。区内没有职业病诊断机构,所有职业病均为外区机构诊断。结论宝山区尘肺病发病态势依然严峻,既有传统矽肺、铸工尘肺,也有近年发展较快的焊工尘肺,政府、企业、职业卫生技术服务机构、工人各方应各负其责,重视尘肺的防治工作。 Objective To timely grasp and analyze the new situation and new problems of pneumoconiosis in Baoshan District of Shanghai in recent 10 years, summarize and analyze the new characteristics and epidemiological characteristics of pneumoconiosis and diagnose them, and provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of pneumoconiosis in accordance with. Methods The pneumoconiosis diagnosis certificate issued by all qualified pneumoconiosis diagnostic institutions collected by Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 1999 to 2008 and the pneumoconiosis patient diagnosed as pneumoconiosis before worksite in pneumoconiosis or pneumoconiosis Report card, remove the review and promotion of diagnostic cases, using EpiData3.1 software to establish a database and input data, statistical analysis by SPSS12.0 software. Results A total of 101 pneumoconiosis cases were diagnosed in Baoshan district from 1999 to 2008, including 99 males (98.02%) and 2 females (1.98%). The age range of onset was 31-87 years old, the average age of onset was (57.0 ± 14.8) years. Stage I pneumoconiosis 85 cases, accounting for 84.2%; stage II pneumoconiosis 13 cases, accounting for 12.9%; stage Ⅲ pneumoconiosis 3 cases, accounting for 3.0%. 15.9% of patients did not get early prevention. There were 45 cases of silicosis, accounting for 44.6%; 36 cases of welder pneumoconiosis, accounting for 35.6%; castron pneumoconiosis 16 cases, accounting for 15.8%; other pneumoconiosis 4 cases, accounting for 4%. Pneumoconiosis patients mainly in casting, cement, metal smelting, steel structure manufacturing and other industries. The incidence of workers in non-public-owned enterprises was younger than that of workers in public-owned enterprises. The incidence of pneumoconiosis was not related to the year and the quarter. The shorter the length of service, the higher the pneumoconiosis period. There is no occupational disease diagnosis organization in the area, all occupational diseases are diagnosed by the foreign agencies. Conclusions The incidence of pneumoconiosis in Baoshan District is still grim. There are both traditional silicosis and cast iron pneumoconiosis. In recent years, there are welder pneumoconiosis which developed rapidly in recent years. All government, enterprises and occupational health technical service agencies and workers should take their own responsibilities and attach importance to the prevention and control of pneumoconiosis jobs.
全球脓毒症发病率高达3‰,每年发病人数超过1 800万例,成为抢救危重病的临床医师关注的热点.甲状旁腺危象发病率相对较低,但也呈逐年增加趋势.脓毒症合并甲状旁腺危象罕见,现将我科收治的1例报告如下。
支气管哮喘(哮喘)是由许多细胞和细胞组分参与的气道慢性炎性反应性疾病,病理生理表现为气流阻塞和气道高反应性。由于基质金属蛋白酶家族(matrix metalloproteinases,MMPs)
会动的图有个笑话是这样的:一天,领导不满地对员工说:“你做事慢,走路慢,脑筋动得也慢,我真不明白,你 A moving joke is like this: One day, dissatisfied with the leader