Assessing the Impact of China's WTO Accession:Hard way of integration,miraculous achievements

来源 :Journal of WTO and China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdf20091234567889
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This article provides a brief account of China’s persistent efforts to integrate with the world economy with the objective of breaking off the vestige of historical trade discrimination against China that had lasted for centuries and creating a harmonious environment to achieve the WTO objective of raising the standard of living, ensuring full employment,steady growing income and effective demand,developing full use of resources and expansion of production of products and trade.The accession to the WTO marked a milestone of China’s remarkable success in the integration process notwithstanding the remaining discriminatory measures that will phase out in the next few years.This will turn a new leaf in China’s international economic and trade relations.The open policy culminating in the WTO accession has transformed China from a closed centrally planned economy into a most open,dynamic socialist market economy.It is emerging as the world second largest economy and one of the largest trading countries.China has stronger desire than any country in preserving an open multilateral trading system given its long history of being subject to discrimination and will have a greater role to play in maintaining balanced sustainable growth of the global economy.China’s miraculous economic growth of the past thirty years is attributable to the successful market-oriented reform and liberal foreign investment policy.China is by far the most rapidly growing export market and one of the most attractive investment destinations for the world,particularly the top players such as the United States,the European Union and Japan.The way forward should be that China and the world trading community work together to create a win-win environment, a sustainable multilateral trading system that will automatically adapt the fast changing structures of the global economy. This article provides a brief account of China’s persistent efforts to integrate with the world economy with the objective of breaking off the vestige of historical trade discrimination against China that had lasted for centuries and creating a harmonious environment to achieve the WTO objective of raising the standard of living, ensuring full employment, steady full use of resources and expansion of production of products and trade. the accession to the WTO marked a milestone of China’s remarkable success in the integration process notwithstanding the remaining discriminatory measures that will phase out in the next few years. This will turn a new leaf in China’s international economic and trade relations.. The open policy culminating in the WTO accession has transformed China from a closed douban economy into a most open, dynamic socialist market economy. It is emerging as the world second largest economy and one of the largest tradi ng countries.China has stronger desire than any country in preserving an open multilateral trading system given its long history of being subject to discrimination and will have a greater role to play in maintaining balanced sustainable growth of the global economy. China’s miraculous economic growth of the past thirty years attributable to the successful market-oriented reform and liberal foreign investment policy. China is by far the most attractive growing market and one of the most attractive investment destinations for the world, particularly the top players such as the United States, the European Union and Japan. The way forward should be that China and the world trading community work together to create a win-win environment, a sustainable multilateral trading system that will automatically adapt the fast changing structures of the global economy.
摘要:在高等院校中,不仅是档案馆(室)的相关人员要做好学生的档案工作,辅导员也要建立学生的各类档案,但二者的目的与重点都有区别。辅导员着重对学生进行思想政治教育等工作,而系统、规范和动态的学生档案更有助于辅导员对当代大学生的教育和管理。  关键词:高校;辅导员;学生档案  中图分类号:G27  随着经济全球化的程度越来越高,多元价值观冲入高校校园,对在校大学生--80后、90后的思想和行为产生了一
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摘要:随着高等职业教育教学改革的不断深入,越来越多的教学理念和教学方法被引入到教学实践活动中来,在众多的教学方法之中,交互式教学模式因其所具有的教学优势而引起了更多的关注。本文将在借鉴以往对交互式教学模式研究的基础上,对交互式教学模式在高职公共英语课堂中的应用探索。  关键词:高职英语;教学;交互  中图分类号:G71  随着高等职业教育教学改革的不断深入,越来越多的教学理念和教学方法被引入到教学