
来源 :大学英语(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydaf5hv2
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具有跨文化交际能力的拔尖创新人才的培养需要打破传统的灌输式教学模式,并采用以问题为导向的研修课方式,以培养出适应时代发展要求的具有思辨能力和创新精神的合格人才。本文在研究Chen and Starosta(1996)提出的跨文化交际能力的理论模型的基础上,将其扩展,并以《跨文化交际》课为例,设计了研修课模块式教学方式,探讨了如何使该理论模型适用于教学实践。 The cultivation of top innovative talents with intercultural communicative competence needs to break the traditional inculcating teaching mode and adopt a problem-oriented training course approach so as to cultivate qualified qualified personnel with the ability to think and innovate to meet the requirements of the development of the times. Based on the theoretical model of intercultural communicative competence put forward by Chen and Starosta (1996), this paper expands it and takes “cross-cultural communication” as an example to design a modular teaching mode of seminar and discusses how to make The theoretical model is suitable for teaching practice.
患者男,46岁.无明显诱因突感胸闷,随即晕厥入院.查体:血压85/60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),心率80次/min,律齐,心音低钝,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及明显杂音;腹平软;双下肢不肿.血常规:白细胞20.8×109/L,红细胞4.3×1012/L,中性粒细胞93.3%.肝功能:谷草转氨酶262 U/L,谷丙转氨酶198 U/L.CT检查提示:心包、纵隔积液(大量)。
Permafrost(perennially frozen ground) appears widely in the Golmud-Lhasa section of the Qinghai-Tibet railway and is characterized by high ground temperature(≥
摘要:在大学英语教学中,母语迁移一直都是个争论激烈的话题。很多学者和教育者都曾针对大学英语教学中的母语教学所产生的影响发表达过各自的观点。文章论述了母语正迁移和负迁移对大学英语学习的影响, 并且强调了如何在大学英语教学中充分利用母语正迁移的作用来帮助学习者有效地学习英语。  关键词:语言迁移;母语;大学英语教学  二语习得的研究和发展过程中,语言迁移贯穿整个始终,“至少一个世纪以来……一直是应用语
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