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《旧京图卷》是一卷五十米长的画卷,出自北京铁路职工王大观的手笔。该画上卷二十五米已由作者描绘在绢面上,并已着色;下卷初稿已完成,争取年内全部完工.《旧京图卷》反映的是北京三十年代的风土人情.五十六岁的作者学习宋人张择端的《清明上河图》画技巧,在这幅画中把三十年代的北京城归纳、设想於一条路线中,以描绘人民的生活为主,并注意反映不同区域的特点,表现当时北京的各种建筑物和各行各业及各种不同身份的人物。画卷中约有人物九千多个,各类建筑物上千,其中包括举世闻名的紫禁城、天坛、牌坊、华表、庙宇、城楼、各式四合院、教堂、使馆、王府和地主宅院、农舍、贫民窟等。据了解,采取传统的手卷形式,用如此长的画幅来反映三十年代的北京风貌,这在新中国成立以来是少见的。 “Old Beijing map volume” is a 50-meter-long scroll, written by Beijing Railway staff Wang Daguan. The painting scroll of twenty-five meters has been painted by the author on the silk surface and has been colored; the first draft of the volume has been completed for the entire year for completion. “Old Beijing Map Volume” reflects the customs of Beijing in the 1930s. At the age of sixteen, he studied Zhang Zeduan’s Painting Techniques of the Qingming Riverside Drawing. In this painting, he summarized the 1930s Beijing City and imagined a route to depict the people’s life and pay attention to reflecting The characteristics of different regions show the various buildings and industries in Beijing at that time and people of various identities. There are more than 9,000 figures and thousands of buildings of all kinds in the picture, including the world-famous Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Torii, Hua Biao, temples, watchtowers, various courtyard houses, churches, embassies, palaces and landlord houses, farmhouses, slums Wait. It is understood that taking the traditional hand-scroll style and using such a long frame to reflect the style of Beijing in the 1930s is rare since the founding of New China.
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<正> 北京图书馆党委办公室召开纪念"7·1"座谈会在庆祝中国共产党成立六十周年的时候,北京图书馆党委办公室分别组织召开了新党员座谈会和民主人士座谈会。参加新党员座谈会的有出生在旧社会,经过长期考验和锻炼的老知识分子和业务骨干;也有长在新社会,在实践工作中已经起着骨