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从一张图说起 呈现在读者眼前的这张分析图(见第17页附图),是笔者20世纪80年代中期在筹办编辑学专业时,赴黑龙江人民总社求教时得到的。今天把它公之于众,有三层意思:其一,在那个出版技术(以铅印为主)阶段,它用了十个大项、四十七个分项及百余个子项去细化、分析影响图书印制质量的诸种因素。当时很让我 The analysis of this diagram (pictured on page 17) presented in front of the reader from a picture is obtained by the author when he went to seek advice in Heilongjiang People’s Daily when he organized editorial major in the mid-1980s. Today it is made public, with three meanings: First, in that stage of publishing technology (mainly printed), it uses 10 major items, 47 sub-items and 100 sub-items to refine and analyze the impact of books Printed quality of the various factors. It was for me
已有报道家黑种草Nigella sativa L.油(N.O)具有抗绦虫和抗线虫作用,还对几种肝损伤模型具肝保护作用。为此作者以侵染曼森氏血吸虫小鼠为模型,以吡喹酮(PZQ) 作阳性对照药,
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60年代的美国是一个摇滚乐大爆发的时代,摇滚乐第一次成为主流文化之一,那是一个率性的纯真年代,那个时期的Woodstock音乐节也是至今为止摇滚艺人最诚挚的演出。 The 1960s
蒟酱(Piper betle)分布于印度南部和斯里兰卡,咀嚼其叶可促进唾液分泌,提取液用于治疗炎症、呼吸道感染、咳嗽、呼吸困难、消化不良、白喉、癔病等。叶中主要成分为挥发油(0
Every spring, a grand fair full of folk tastes is held at the Temple of Earth in Beijing. The powerful gong and drums are the most popular program. The actors