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环境评价在本次被调查的109家外商企业中有71.56%的企业对青岛的企业经营环境总体评价为满意和比较满意,持一般态度的企业占22.93%,不太满意和不满意的企业均占2.75%,不太满意的企业比去年减少2.47个百分点。硬环境,主要包括水电供应,邮电通讯,海、路、空运输等方面。对企业经营硬环境的总体评价持满意和比较满意态度的企业占82.25%;持一般态度的企业占15.89%:不太满意和不满意的企业占1.86%。其中,分项目看,不太满意和不满意的主要集中在对水电供应、邮电通讯等方面,其中,对水电供应不满意和不太满意的企业占4.58%。对海上运输、公路运输、航空运输不满意为零,是本次调查所呈现的新特点。软环境,包括稳定的政策环境,公平竞争的市场环境以及完善的法制环境,还包括管理、人才、服务、治安等多方面内容。本次调查,外商对软环境的总体评价低于对硬环境的总体评价水平,但对软环境自身的评价则比去年有了较大的提高。本次调查对青岛软环境的总体评价持满意和比较满意态度的占69.72%,低于硬环境评价水平12.53个百分点;持一般态度的企业占28.44%,高于硬环境评价水平12.55个百分点;持不太满意和不满意态度的企业占1.83%,低于硬环境评价水平0.05个百分点。其中,分项目看,对软环境评价持不满意和不太满意态度的主要集中在机关工作作风占9.17%;土地价格占7.48%;政策法规占5.50%;税收征管占5.50%。在本次被调查的109家企业中,有0.93%的企业认为今年承担的各项社会负担明显减少;有8.33%的企业认为今年承担的各项社会负担有所减轻;认为变化不大的企业占67.59%;认为有所增加的企业占13.89%;认为明显增加的企业占9.26%。 Environmental Assessment 71.56% of the 109 foreign-funded enterprises surveyed rated their overall business environment in Qingdao as satisfactory and satisfied. Enterprises with a common attitude accounted for 22.93% of the total, while those who were not satisfied or dissatisfied Accounting for 2.75%, not satisfied with the company last year to reduce 2.47 percentage points. Hard environment, including water and electricity supply, post and telecommunications, sea, road, air transport and so on. 82.25% of the enterprises that are satisfied and satisfied with the overall evaluation of the hard environment of their business operations and 15.89% of the enterprises with the general attitude: 1.86% are those who are not satisfied or dissatisfied. Among them, the sub-projects look less than satisfactory and not satisfied with the main focus on the water and electricity supply, telecommunications and other aspects, of which the supply of water are not satisfied with the less satisfied companies accounted for 4.58%. Not satisfied with the maritime transport, road transport, air transport is zero, is the survey presented by the new features. Soft environment, including a stable policy environment, fair competition in the market environment and improve the legal environment, but also management, personnel, services, law and order and many other aspects. In this survey, the overall evaluation of foreign companies on the soft environment is lower than the overall evaluation of the hard environment, but the evaluation of the soft environment itself has greatly improved over last year. 69.72% of the respondents were satisfied and satisfied with the overall evaluation of Qingdao soft environment, 12.53% lower than the hard environment assessment level, 28.44% of the enterprises with general attitude and 12.55% higher than the hard environment assessment level. Enterprises that are not satisfied and dissatisfied account for 1.83%, which is less than 0.05% of the hard environment evaluation level. Among them, according to the subprojects, the attitude of unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory to the soft environment assessment mainly lies in the work style of the organs accounting for 9.17%, the land price accounting for 7.48%, the policies and regulations accounting for 5.50% and the tax collection and administration accounting for 5.50%. Among the 109 enterprises surveyed, 0.93% of them think that the social burden of this year has obviously decreased; 8.33% of the enterprises think that the social burden of this year has been lessened; and those that think little change Accounting for 67.59%; those who think that an increase of 13.89%; those who think a significant increase of 9.26%.
据印度海产品出口振兴局(MPEDA)的介绍,印度东临孟加拉湾,西临阿拉伯海,南临印度洋,海岸线长8129km,专属经济水域面积200万km2,拥有海洋水产资源390万t,其 According to the
罗家模,1906年农历3月18日生于云南省楚雄州大姚县石羊镇。罗家祖辈为白盐井煮盐灶户,其父罗群桂是清末举人,共生有五子,家模排行老三。 Luo Jia mode, 1906 Lunar New Year
人们常常能从美国科幻大片里看到造型各异的“未来战士”:他们全副武装,穿着全能型的高科技防护衣,有着各种各样的特异功能。不过电影不总是等于幻想。美国五角大楼现在就 P