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1994年第12届世界男篮锦标赛与上届相比,水平又有提高,由于美国NBA职业选手组队代表美国参战,在世界篮坛造成了划时代的大轰动,不但把世界最高水平的最强队之间的比赛质量提高了一个档次,激起世界篮球观众的暴涨,也促使各国代表队更加努力地从事竞技活动,以缩小与美国职业选手联队的差距。 本届比赛有四大特点:①自1992年奥运会允许职业选手参赛起,美国两次共派出23名职业明星参战,大大提高了比赛的水平,迅速刺激、推动了各国篮球运动的发展。除了美国队,还有一批在美国、欧洲职业队效 In 1994, the 12th World Men’s Basketball Championship was improved compared with the previous one. As the United States NBA professional team formed on behalf of the United States to participate in the war, it caused a landmark sensation in the basketball world. Not only did the world’s highest level of the strongest team The quality of the competition between the two teams has been raised to a level that has aroused the skyrocketing basketball spectators in the world. It has also prompted national teams to work harder to compete in athletics to narrow the gap with the U.S. professional team. There are four major characteristics of this competition: ① Since the Olympic Games in 1992 allowed professional players to compete, the United States sent 23 professional stars twice in total to participate in the war, greatly improving the level of competition and stimulating the development of basketball in various countries. In addition to the United States team, there are a number of teams in the United States, Europe team effectiveness
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